There is also a expired security certificate thought that people can not get safe connection to the site of the The Last Stand Dead Zone so people can not play the game.
Both Tass and I had added some details on the game page in the comments. Just to make sure that this information is also known for those that check the forums, and may not have seen the comments, I'm going to quote the comment that Tass made sticky this post while it's being worked on. We'll also be locking the newer additional posts from today as well as any future ones so that we can post updates in a single location.
Hey Folks. We're aware of the game being down and are looking into it ASAP! Our apologies.
I have found a work around to this issue. When I try to load the game I get an error message with a URL. If you copy that URL and paste it into a new browser tab, the game will load. Obviously, it is a cert issue but just do the above, then click Advanced toward the bottom and click Continue to Site or something to similar to that.
@vardana This thread was about an old issue that's been solved since. If you are currently experiencing trouble with the game, please make a new thread and explain what's not working.