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ForumsGamesGames you don't like or won't play !!!

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As a laptop user and while I was playing some games and started to get pissed off, I said to myself I won't bother playing to those if theyre not playable on my laptop.That makes me a bit sad cause some of them are really good and seem to get a lot of fun but if I just can't get it played on a laptop then it's no use
Do you have some kind of games on AG you won't play to? E.g. in my case I won't play anymore of those games like Sentry Knight, Strike Force Heroes, etc. simply cause theyre unplayable with a mousepad from a laptop (controls are sloppy af and as the game gets more difficult, controls are even more sloppy while these games ask you to be even more precised or skilled with those controls. I guess that's the kind of games you must play on K+M but I wished these games got an option to play with a controller at least

0ther than that I don't like the GemCraft games series. I just don't see the fun in here, Ive tried several times to play one of those but I got bored and/or the game mechanics looked too confusing for my brain to go on. At first I thought it was a simple TD game but it seems much more than that including crafting gems and such obv. I wished it was maybe a bit more simple in its basic rules (or it might be just me playing dumb but once you get a few basic rules of the game, they'll add a **** ton of advanced rules to extend the game replayability).

So what about you, which are the AG games you'll never play (again) and why?

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I won't play King Of Towers ever again. Reason? I don't want to pay lots of bucks just to feel that a "free" game that I play is fair. After I got quests I just want to forget about it. I understand micropayments like in League of Legends - you unlock heroes and skins, paying doesn't give you advantages impossible to claw back. Pay to win games are stupid.

GemCraft is really good when you get grip on what various gems do and how to mix them. I especially liked Labyrinth - better climate than in Chasing Shadows and harder. Also latter is kinda easy to start with leveling always one gem in most levels, cheap and sure victory.

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