ForumsThe TavernHow do we revitalize this site and return it to it's former glory?

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1 posts

I don't have a solution, but I just want to air out my concerns about all the ****ty games that have been coming on recently. Sure, some of them are good, but now they're drowned out by everything else here. It's no surprise why a lot of games are getting 60 and below.

  • 3 Replies
1 posts

Also... there was a breach on june 18th that gave away passwords and emails..... again..

2,763 posts

Flash gaming has died quite a while ago, most devs have switched to making indie games. I too looked from some games to play and found nothing that interesting. The golden age of flash is gone, it was fun.

4,013 posts

I do know that upon returning there are some quirks in terms of simple things on AG that have been driving me little nuts. Obviously, there was an overhaul but I'm used to things being a lot more simpler. An excellent example of this would be wondering why there isn't a proper alert system one could easily see on their profile. It would let you know if someone replied to your comment, posted a response/quoted you on your thread if someone added you, or an easier way to see when your friends are online. I've just been scratching my head on those for starters.

As for the topic, flash gaming is partly popular on some sites still. The popular ones like AG and Kongregate still are doing pretty well. The main competition is on consoles and steam. They provide a platform to a variety of games in better quality etc. Now obviously the communities aren't as personal like this site, but there are a lot of games available to play with others.
I think the fact thsi site and others like it continue to stay around is proof that flash games aren't dying soon.

I do feel a lot of constructive criticism with the site overall could help bring back people though.

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