Posted September 4, '20 7:12pm UTC
Don't Escape Walkthrough Written by William
Go outside Grab the axe that's in the stump Pick up the wood that's next to the stump Pick up the mushroom on the bottom right of the screen Get the chain that's hanging under the roof Go Inside Get the rope by the door Move Left Click the herb on the hook Use axe on table Collect the wood from the table Move Left Click on the coat to get the key for the door Click under the bed to get the key for the box Move Right Use the gold key on the box, take hammer and nails from the box Move Left Close the window, use planks on the window, use hammer and nails on the planks Open third drawer down, take the tinderbox Move Left Pick up the glass bottle on the table Click on the floor at the very bottom center to open a trap door, take the meat and the spice, then click the floor again to exit the trap door Use logs of wood on fireplace, then use tinderbox on the wood that's in the fireplace Put spice, herb, and mushroom in the pot above the fire Collect the potion with the glass bottle Use the potion on the meat Move Left Shut the door, then use the key on the door Move the shelf in front of the door Move Left Put the meat on the hook Use chain and rope on yourself Wait till dusk,
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