Welcome! Here I will tell you how to get all achievements.
*Listed in order from top to bottom, left to right*
Shell Shocked - Play Adventure Mode normally, and you will get this automatically when the door explodes (it will appear in the third level or so)
Appreciator - Go to the Credits
Supporter - Go to More Games
Level Builder - Make a level. You don't have to play it, just preview it.
Literati - Go to the Dev Blog
Roast Hog - When on Elevation : 9600 ft (or something like that), when you see the Earth, just wait until the meteor comes, and let it crash into the Earth. Can only be achieved after Blackhole Son has been achieved.
Blackhole Son - When you are in the room with the heart, cross, star, and smiley, simply press shift. After achieving this, press Retry and go for Roast Hog.
Escape - Beat Shift 3.
Speedy 8 mins - Beat Shift 3 in 480 seconds or less.
Paperboy - Get all the newspapers.
PDA Avoider - Get to the code room without getting the PDA. After achieving this, you can go back and get the PDA if you want.
Grey Games PP - Beat the Grey Games player pack.
Azurieq PP - Beat the Azurieq player pack.
Assorted PP - Beat the Assorted player pack.
All PP's beat - Achieve Grey Games PP, Azurieq PP, and Assorted PP.
Quiter - Go to the pause menu while in-game (press "P" and then press quit. Don't worry, you can continue on whatever level you left off.
Hey I know a magician never reveals his secrets but would you please tell me how you get the newspaper that is in the same room as the P.D.A. Come to my page and tell me. Thanks.