The Sig Strikers is a new club that you guessed it is about sigs. We are not evil, we just want a system to do sigs. So what we do is after every post we will post our sig, like this,
Hey man, I love cheese (place your sig here)
Of course this will not work when commenting games,and on other peoples profiles so don't try it.
RULES 1. Ok don't make your sig big and obnoxious, or else you will be kicked from the club 2. Make sure to put Join the sig Strikers! in your sig. How to do that will be in the next post, 3.If you forget don't worry about it, just make sure to try to remember. 4. Don't mock other people's sig, my sig sucks the worst probably, so don't mock. 5. Don't even join if you are not frequent in the forum.
The members will be posted in my profile, All you have to do to join is post here, get a sig, and start posting with your sig
Now the common sig will look like the one in the next post,
Sig Striker members, if you are going to put links to the group in your signature, please put a link to it through your signature. The entire signature, including links, should be no more that 150x450.
+ Take the image you want, and pit in the image code as normal. + Highlight the signature and code, and click 'Link'. + In the link window, add the url of the page you would like it to be directed to.