As many of you are aware, Shift 3 was released not so long ago to Armor. Now I've not started Shift 4 yet, and can't tell you when it will crash land, however, the big boss Mr McNeely made it clear with his direction of the end movies (he was the one who wanted those adding on, and what they'd involve,by the way, kudos to him) that a Shift 4 would be out somewhere down the line.
But you'd already guessed that, right?
What this post is about is the fact I want the Armor community involved in the next one, which, like Shift 3, will contain a user generated Players pack section. For Shift 3, I used maps I found out and about on the internet, but for Shift 4, I'd like to try and have them be Armor exclusive creations (cause you guys are like my family! - didn't you get that Christmas card I sent?)
Anyway, I've already seen the Shift 3 maps thread, and I like what I've seen so far a lot, but organizing those maps and chasing up credit would be a massive ordeal, so I've decided on making something a bit more structured.
So please, I'm asking for you to post your maps (or go create one in Shift 3!) as replies to this post and include the following.
1) Your real name (Or a Pseudonym you don't mind being credited as if you're uncomfortable with posting your name)
2) The difficulty of the level (I'm looking for levels for an easy pack, a medium pack, and a hard pack)
3) Your level code, posted as a single line (s a double click selects the whole line for pasting into Shift)
4) A short note about it below (keep it short, as we don't want the post getting cluttered)
Replace my second one with this code, very sorry but it's just too hard, although somehow I did it with the secret character, I just can't with the normal one.
BandicootPower Level Difficulty: Medium? I'm not good at rating my own levels.. 10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10ZC0010Z52112C0080Z9114210Z00Z10Z10Z10Z00ZA010ZA03312200Z50Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10ZB0Z10ZC0010Z00Z10Z10Z10Z00Z10Z10ZAA0010Z10Z10ZAB30312AA0010Z10Z10Z10ZB0Z00Z52ZC0012Z312315123110Z3322210ZACZ10Z10Z00Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10ZACZ0212110Z10Z10Z0313100Z10Z00Z50112B0ZB0Z4012110Z10Z1313200Z4313100Z10Z10Z10Z4011210Z10Z10Z10Z03132131325113200Z00Z10Z00Z00Z10Z10Z00Z10Z1313Z112031310013100Z00Z00Z00Z10Z00Z50Z0313210Z131320Z203132 This level has a few tricky parts.
BandicootPower Level Difficulty:Kind of between medium and hard.. Yet again, I'm not sure. 23411834Z0Z30512104Z04Z3411A05041103411034Z0411A020Z3311222411A0034Z3411AAB020Z3311222411C0010411514Z3411434523215251411C004041120Z3311222411C0010411004Z3411214112141103411A0204Z04Z0411504Z0411004Z3411C0091411AA00204Z1411C0010411004Z3411AC41151411A0204Z1411C00104110041153412AAAC0041121411C0010411004Z341211411AAAA04Z041143431C0021411AA0043421C0053411034Z041100411AB234212341123411334212341123411234112341123431C0023411234Z34Z34Z3411004Z04Z04Z04Z041132232534Z34Z3411 There are some traps you need to look out for.
Name - Jeff Level Difficulty - Easy 10131C0010121AAC0Z00Z00Z00Z00Z1013100131101317012100121C008015110Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10131C0010121AA0070Z00Z00Z50Z10Z10131AAAZ10Z10Z10Z1012110Z1013122ZAAA1210012100121001212012110Z52Z00131B0131AC1210012100121001212012110ZAB60Z60Z60Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10Z1013122ZAAB01012110Z10Z10Z10Z1013100ZAAA1210012100121001212012110131AB6012160121601211011210Z10Z10Z10Z10131AAC01219011200Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10131101311013110131101311013110Z0011210Z10Z10Z10Z
Some traps, but this is extremely easy and should give new players what game is about. Has two ways to win if player messes up.
Name: Jason Marcus Difficulty: Medium AAB010ZC001211210Z2012210Z10122AAAC801511211212112311224211212122AAAC10Z12112121122012210Z42122AA0033Z10Z10Z12112121123112210Z12112AA00332Z32Z32Z21121211220122Z2210ZAAB0132Z32Z211212112311221122110ZAAB0132Z32Z211210Z2012210Z10ZAA00332Z32Z32Z211210Z31122Z2210ZAAB0132Z32Z211210Z00Z1012212122AAB0132Z32Z211210Z0011210Z10ZA040ZC00332Z32119015110Z10Z1212110Z10ZAAB0132Z321100Z5212210Z10Z50112
A nice, quick level, kind of difficult, and only one way to solve it. Enjoy!
Melina Mitsogianni Difficulty:easy AAC0ZC008015110Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAC0132B0Z10Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAC0132B0Z00Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAC013200Z10Z2015210Z10Z10Z10ZAAC013200Z10Z2015210Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC0015200Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAB00Z00Z00Z0013210Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC9015110Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC10Z20Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC10Z20Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC10Z20Z10Z10Z10Z10ZAAAC10Z20Z10Z10Z10Z10Z It's an easy level,it could be just for starting.
Hey, melina1117, don't worry if there's not the full code, just select everything after the code, paste it on Shift 2 or 3, then just get rid of the useless text ("It's an easy level,it could be just for starting." Got it? So, once again, don't worry if there's part of the code thats hidden.
Name: Jason Marcus Difficulty: Hard 52ZAA0013211C0010Z10532311224211210Z72ZAAB08015110Z10532202Z0Z4212222ZAAB010Z10Z105323112210Z10Z42ZAB33Z10Z10Z10Z30532202Z0Z10Z22ZAB332Z0Z10Z10Z105323112210Z10Z02ZAB00211202Z0Z10Z10Z202Z0Z10Z22ZAB00211202Z0Z10Z10Z3112210Z10ZAA00332Z0Z10Z10Z10Z202Z0Z10Z22Z02ZAC211202Z0Z10Z10Z3112210Z10ZB2ZAC211202Z0Z10Z10Z002116211262112A002ZC00332Z0Z9015110Z10Z621126211250112C0050Z12Z312114053110Z10Z0021152112621126211200112
I improved my last level to be harder, but you can post the other one too, it's not because I posted this level that the other one doesn't exist k? Anyways...