I was noticing that a lot of members like to post announcements. These generally end up in the Tavern. I think it is cool that members want to announce news to keep everyone informed. Unfortunately, it kind of makes the Tavern spammy. I don't think restricting these and locking them would be a good idea, because many people benefit from them.
So, what if there was a type of bulletin board for members to post on that could be viewed maybe at the bottom of the Community page. It would include announcements, news about clubs, so-n-so quit, etc.
I think it most definitely needs to be AP free and still have moderation.
This is a great idea, and I sometimes make announcements in there too, and I don't like the feeling of it. Having a new section, Bulletin Board, would be awesome, and it would be AP free, even better! I am all for this, so when do you think it might be made?
That would be good if people look at it. I tend to post everything in Support and Suggestions because everyone will notice and I like attention. So maybe making it the first forum above Support, people will go to it a lot(as you can notice hopefully, the most viewed forum is on top, least ones on the bottom). Then people would be able to post things there fully knowing it will be viewed quite a bit!
I think its great Asherlee I would love the idea and I think that we should be able to put a thing there for each time someone quit but I love the idea Asherlee!
I think it needs to have different rules. Maybe being able to only post 3 bulletins per day. That way your bulletin wouldn't get pushed down to the bottom too fast for the spam.
Yeah, I like this idea, I was thinking of something like this yesterday as it was my birthday and I wanted to let my friends here on AG know, but couldn't really since that would be a lot of messages or an unnessacary topic on the forums. So it would help with these things and it would allow members to find out what's going on with everyone else on AG much easier.
We had an announcement board. I never got to remake it after I took the old one down, but it was not working very well in what incarnation it had. Also, oooold thread.