first go to the right side and get some paper then go the left and ues the pen and then go to the right and press space bar on the door go to the right and mix it whith the beaker and it will (boom) and the wall will break now go left and then go up and then go left and then up press spece bar wen you near the box and you get a itme then go down and go left read the sign wen mud is flying over the pudel dont jump over wen is not do jump over go left till you reach a eye thingy ang go left agein and go up and then right open the door and jump on the tree and get the appel jump off the tree and go right and dont get aten by the thingy in the durt and go right and talk to the garedand go right then go to the doorless cubored and take the flower the go right go right till you see a gap in the floor and jump over it and go right till you see a nover eye thingy and go up 1 and left and go up till you meet a evil wizored ues the mirrors too reflect his magic but dont tuch the migic it will kill you and so ues the mirrors and go up and a dark voice will ask stuff keep going up till it gets dark and wait till it ends snd go up agein till you rech the top go to the top wen hes battleing you press the swich and he will die or will he!!! just be a coword and staly at the bottom and he will tell you to get up ther dont lisen just stay at the bottom even wen he says please show your self dont stay at the bottom dont lisen to a word he says ill complement and tell you stuff just stay at the bottom and lisen he'll die i think and wen its over hop on the clowd and your done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suggestion for this Walkthrough: Make it more organized and try to correct your spelling mistakes. The spelling mistakes can be solved by a built-in dictionary on your browser which can happen if you switch to Firefox. To make it more organized, make paragraphs instead of writing a bunch of sentences all bundled up and put spaces between each paragraph.
This walkthrough wasnât as helpful as it could have been. Grammar and spelling aside, you left out how to get the 3 key pieces, which is what I wanted to know. You canât pass the game without the key pieces.