Alls you need is the ability to stay in the first town and not die for awhile. Anything with a "*" beside it is OPTIONAL.
Ok, get the rocket launcher, alls you need, maybe, if you want, go and upgrade your pistol, but UPDATE YOUR ARMOR after getting rocket launcher. Ok heres the whole thing:
1. Go and buy some amo and the first melee weapon. 2. Follow the areas and defend the places they took you to. 3.Keep doing until you have 45 grand. 4. Buy rocket launcher. 5. Update melee weapon. 6. Update armor. *7. Update pistol. 8. Get past barriers. 9. Get in car. 10. Go to the Doctor until he tells you to meet him at the airport.
Ignore the arrow, at the second garage, keep going, do not stop UNTIL YOU FIND "THE WOODS". The woods is a place with trees, soon you'll find an opening where zombies are coming through, your car will not fit, get out and then keep walking, you'll get to the airport where the doctor is by a helicopter, congrats, you've beat Story Mode on Zombie Horde 3!
-Created by Parkermb68-
*HINT* A trainer HELPS ALLOT. But you don't need one, I've beat it without one.