ok felleow armour gamers lol this is some tips for age of war so ok ill start off oh ye and if u have anty question that i didnt answer in this replie plz coment and tell me that questin ok now to start of.firstly when in the prhistoric age build lcubman so u wont waiste money and a turet then build lots of turest after build the charcter that costs the most in all the ages uf u know what i mean then at the last ages build turet spaces till u cant build no more then build these:iron matter'the red beam and 2 green lazerbeams then dont build no more and let the turets do all the job then when u have alot of money build a army of fwar machined and blaster keep doing this and ull be unstopable but if u have any question plz reply to this post about ur quest have nice gameing!!!!! and hi lololol