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773 posts

Well, I heard some people talk about it, and decided to bring it into the forums.
Well, I think that becoming transgender is just not right. God gives you one body it is just not right to change your gender. What do you people think?

  • 115 Replies
5,001 posts

I don't think it is fair to say something like this is "right" or "wrong." It is just foreign to you.

Let's start out with what Transgender is.

Transgenderis a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies that diverge from the normative gender role (woman or man) commonly, but not always, assigned at birth, as well as the role traditionally held by society.
To understand transgender, it is first important to make a distinction between "assigned sex," "gender identity," and "gender expression." Sex is an assignment based on one's chromosomes, genitalia, and secondary sex characteristics.
- Gender identity is how a person feels about themselves in relationship to or separated from the terms "man" and "woman."
- Gender expression is external--how a person presents him/her/herself to the world (how you walk, how you talk , how you dress...). Western societies assume a connection between the three (ex: people assigned female identify as women and are feminine; people assigned male identify as men and are masculine), as is true in most societies; but this does not have to be the case.
- Transgender, in its broadest sense, encompasses anything that transgresses these gendered norms and expectations.


I think just as sexuality is not a choice you make, so is gender identity. I did watch something on Nat Geo that told how these men and women that want to be transgender have ALWAYS felt like the opposite sex than what their genitalia presents. The doctors that commented on the show said that their hormone levels were very different than the average person of their sex. (Females with more testosterone/ Males with more estrogen).

This means that these people are truly mixed up. It could have been possible that they were meant to be the opposite of their current gender, but something happened while developing. (forgive me for the lack of specific terms)

Think about the hermaphrodites...


The next point I want to bring up is about culture. The Native Americans had several transgender individuals in each tribe. These people that were fortunate enough to be born this way were special to the tribe. They were said to have two souls and held in a higher class than the average tribesman. They were generally males who looked like females.

Also, check out the Thai culture. They have a "third" sex called Kathoey. It is when males transform into females. They are VERY VERY prevalent in Thailand. So much that they are about to make it a legal recognition as a choice in sex. So, pretty soon they will be able to mark: Male, Female, or Kathoey.

There are many (if not all) cultures across the world that have these type of people. Some accept it well, but others do not.

803 posts

You can't say a gender is right or wrong. I also saw something on NBC about this and there was a 6 year old who wanted to be a girl but was born a boy. He actually felt this way when he was around 3 but the parents thought it was just a phase. Now they let him live the life of a girl. Just because you don't know much about it, doesn't mean you should hate it. It is like a food you have never tasted. Don't knock it until you try it. I am not saying go and transgender but my point is don't hate something unless you have grown up with it or experienced it.

773 posts

I never said I hated it. And when I said it is "wrong", I just meant that I am not all for it.

5,001 posts

Well, there is a difference between wrong and how you personally feel about something. You aren't required to like it or even agree with it. But calling it wrong is not a good idea.

1,058 posts

It is definitely proven that there are people who are born, basically, the wrong gender. I had a friend who took an entire course on human sexuality, and it was really interesting to listen to her tell me about this. There are also people who are born as their own twin, chimera, who are two genders in one body!

Being the very open liberal that I am, I believe people are allowed to do whatever they feel is right about their own sexuality. If someone feels uncomfortable as themselves, why shouldn't they be allowed to live their life comfortably?

1,973 posts

Well, dragoncrusher, work on distinguishing feelings next time!

Well, seeing this as wrong befuddles me. Nothing in the bible ever said anything about changing genders as, "wrong," and I don't see it against morals, well at least mine, so I see nothing, "wrong," or, "bad," about this.

Many people may actually be born, "the wrong gender," and they see it fit to transform into their "own," gender.

At the beginning, DC said that God gave us this body and we shouldn't change it. Well, He didn't neccessarily give it to us. Our parents did. So if God wants his people to be happy and follow him, than he should let them do what they see fit AS LONG as it doesn't affect his/her realationship with God. Changing genders doesn't seem to harm a realtionship like that, so I am all for it!

773 posts

Well, Estel and DM, I agree with both of you. (Can't forget Asherlee) You are right and now brought it into me that it is nor "wrong".

8,051 posts

It being wrong is just implanted into your brain to what the media and social groups think of it, or your parents who want you to be their little perfect child with no abnormalities :B

I'd have to say it would be easier for a girl to transgender into a fat guy than a fat guy to transgender into a girl XD

803 posts

I believe people are allowed to do whatever they feel is right about their own sexuality. If someone feels uncomfortable as themselves, why shouldn't they be allowed to live their life comfortably?

I wish that people could do that but most people are ignorant. They think they are perfect and are God's gift to the world. We live in a world where everything is written in a "book" on what you should look like, how you should dress, how you should talk, which gender you should like, and many other things except what is on the inside. If you go against that "book", you are ridiculed.

I am not talking about the bible when I say book but the bible and religion are a big part of this. It is sad that we treat others horribly because they are different. Most people think people need to follow this "book". I always say that I'd rather be one in a million then one of a million.

Well, Estel and DM, I agree with both of you. (Can't forget Asherlee) You are right and now brought it into me that it is nor "wrong".

When will I ever get my name in a post?

I am just kidding.
3,880 posts

Gays are retards that are were not born gay. Why should we have to get disgusted looking at them.

3,880 posts

Since I cant edit...>_>

"did watch something on Nat Geo that told how these men and women that want to be transgender have ALWAYS felt like the opposite sex than what their genitalia presents. The doctors that commented on the show said that their hormone levels were very different than the average person of their sex. "

I always felt like I was someone else...I always felt like I'm suppose to be a great powerful leader...I am Hitler!
Haha rofl should I go change my face because of this?

And how the hell do your hormones make you think you should be the opposite sex...

its all in the head bud.

803 posts

I always felt like I was someone else...I always felt like I'm suppose to be a great powerful leader...I am Hitler!
Haha rofl should I go change my face because of this?

Wow, way to be an ignorant jerk. They change themselves so they feel more comfortable in their own skin. You need to get a reality check and realize that people are different. Go take some classes to learn tolerance.

And how the hell do your hormones make you think you should be the opposite sex...

You get hormones when you are in the womb. Sometimes things can go wrong where you get the wrong hormones after the genitalia is already growing. That would be like asking how there are birth defects.

its all in the head bud.

Okay, let's get more ignorant again. Yes, it is in their head but that mind controls the body. When you believe in something, you follow it. You are the biggest asshole I have ever met.
803 posts

Gays are retards that are were not born gay. Why should we have to get disgusted looking at them.

I didn't even see this. You are the most ignorant person I have ever met. You insulted homosexuals and the mentally retarded. They were born gay. Stop being a homophobe because you are insecure about your own sexuality.
1,973 posts

Well, yes. Thinking is in your head, and hormones are signals from your brain. So yes, it is in our head.

Well, the hormones don't say, "YO! You're a girl, but you're supposed to be a dude!" It's a sense that you get. Say you're a guy. You get all these feelings of wanting to do girly things. Possibly things like makeup, looking at boys, etc. Now when I say looking at boys, it would be considered homosexuality, but maybe he just feels like a girl, so he gets a sex change.

3,880 posts

Haha, our brains are functioned to do simple things such as...make heart beat, breathe in, out...function eyes, etc

and there is the more complex stuff, process information you get, control emotions and all that.

And information you get depending on previous info, you decide what to do with it...

ehh hard stuff to explain.

But changing sex is cultural. Maybe sexuality itself is cultural.

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