I'd have to agree that Satan and demons are able to speak audibly, because I've heard one talking to one of my friends. And why shouldn't he be able to have a conversation with Satan? We Christians can talk to God anytime we want to through prayer.
Haha, well, I'd argue the fact that you can talk to God anytime you want to as well, but to prevent this from turning into an un-winnable religion debate, I'll just bow out of this argument.
Well, from what little important information I learned from biology and psychology, the brain processes sound through vibrations to nerves attached to our peripheral senses, then to the central nervous system, then is processed as perception within other mechanisms in the brain. Now, from this biological perspective, does it seem like another being can directly intefere with this process?
Schizophrenics and multipersonality carriers have a certain condition that causes them to hallucinate for nonreligious reasons. Any other reason to hear things has scientific evidence (including psychological) to prove that it is merely a hallucination or delusion.
Well, raptor, you CAN argue with someone's beliefs if the facts contradict it - something I believe that I COULD do. The problem is that most people get too emotionally involved to have a rational, logical debate about religion, so it ends up being unwinnable. It SHOULDN'T be, it just is.
Devoidless, it just seems you are a moral relativist by your previous posts. But that's neither here nor there.
Nietzsche makes for interesting reading material, at the very least he is comical. I mean you can't beat an angsty, male philosopher from the Nazi era.
Kurgle, can you go into further detail about Satan speaking to you. I'm curious on this matter. Also, in following Satanism, what are some things you have to do? Do you fear him? How is he loving?
All in all I just am very opinionated. And very blunt at times. Most of the time do not make my words dance in an intricate ballet of reason that razaki pulls off. My words and reasoning dance in a different way, more akin to Savat kick to the body while wearing steel-toed boots. But that is just opinion.
Maybe Kurgle is just our generations Joan of Arc. But with Satan and without the French.
Why thank you! I really do try. Ok, not really. My inner muse gets all the credit for that.
Oh indeed he does/is. I tend to keep my poetic side to poetry, but it is nice to see a human such as himself keep some decency in debating. I can sometime be more of a philibuster at times than actual debater.
Back to the topic at hand!
I do think that if someone believes in any other-wordly power deeply enough thy can believe that they are being spoken to directly. Sometimes people claim that the speaking comes through as specific acts or events. Then again it can come as what people see..er..hear as directly spoken words. This may not be the direct or even related effects of schizophrenia. I am sure that almost of all us have had atleast one moment where they think that they hear some sage advise or comforting words from either a dearly departed loved one or even a living friend. If you know someone well enough you can sort of build a little version of them in your mind without you even really knowing. But maybe I have just been reading far too much Dune.
I do think that is also possible. I think I try to be too rational for my own good. For instance, I argued with my mother at 5 about Santa Claus. She said she was shocked because she couldn't answer me appropriately and ended up telling me I correct. I find comfort in truth, I think.
But, my point is that religion seems so foreign to me, whether you worship God, Satan, Buddha, or whatever. I would prefer to know what is really going on than to put my faith in something that is so vague.