Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
oh! 5/10
I like that one.... 8.9/10
i'll give it a 8.1/10 nice... 777 posts lol
fire for hair?8/10
how about a squirrel on fire? 7/10
Still Awesome...8/10
6/10, so it's good, but nothing special
Have we meet?3/10
Confused me is confused (and tired). Seriously, I am sure those threads are moving...What I meant:I am not sure if it fits your personality, as I have not seen (or remembered seeing) your posts..The armatar in general is interesting, though.6/10
Its good Cenere 7/10
lol no armatar cenere xDi ate koalas, their so vicious! 5/10
Tigers are more vicious at least mine looks cute yours is snapping 4/10
tigers are super cute! when their babys.mispelled hate, this forum really needs an edit button
No they are not they bite 4.1/10
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