Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
alot are familer so 3/10
wat?! my armatar loox like a pacman! dont you c it?! geez...6/10, its juss a guy... not that amazin...
it dosent look like pacman and this is my original one that i usesesyours 2/10
it does too look like pacman...-10000000000/10....... not rlly... 5/10
Hehe, you rated each other twice.I like your armatar. The silhouette of Santa Claus in his sleigh tugged by reindeer set against the moonlight.8.5/10
well 9/10 itz a knight
Your armater is prety BA.....8/10
milk and cookies...where have i seen it...6/10
Kind of plain 4/10
yay! snakey! 7/10!!!
gOOOOOOOOOOOOD 7.75/10 MINE IS A HALLOWEEN ARMATAR. Oops i left the caps lock on...
So is mine. But, yours is pretty rare, even though I dislike the design. 6/10
Good. Pretty simple but good. It also matches your name. 7/10. You know you are the first to rate me under 7/10 in this thread? Not wanting to argue with you. If you don't find it good, you are right.
If you don't find it good, you are right.
Neat 8.5/10
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