Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
I would say I disliked lizards, but I don't soooo 7/10 - 7 for dissing the elephant gets you 0/10 haha jk. 7/10
I like elephants. 8/10.How is my armatar? Should I change it?
That thing looks freakishly awesome, I like it 8/10
Thanks! (If you were talking to me! :P)I chose it because it looks like Caterpie, a pokemon!
8/10 shades ftw
Awesome, it's cool when people keep seasonal Armatars.10/10
I hate turkeys. 0/10
Weird sun.6/10.
2/10.Don't really like it.. :/
No, I dislike the hotdog... 2/10
8/10, I was quite fond of the elephant in my old days here :P
hmm dont see any one else with it so 8.5/10
Pretty common armatar, still cool though.5/10
to low rank if you ask me. 6/10
Surfer dude = sweetness I remember the first time I saw that I thought it was some kind of horn lol. 9/10
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