Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
9/10 Hope you survive... uh... never mind.
10/10 DADDY!
6/10Seen it, and he's confused =P
Umm yeah that is both odd and disturbing...but any ways bear is neat 7/10.
BAM! Ninja.5/10
Well even though you ninja'd me 7/10
A knight of Yore. lolzzz. 6/10 or 7/10 lolzz
3/10 I hate bees/wasps
7/10 i see it alot.
Hey you changed! I like this one better 8/10
i don't really get what it is??? 4/10
8/10 i like it.
9.5/10it's a dragonnn!!!!
I still dont know what that is 5/10
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