Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Yea 7.5/10 the surf boarder is super cool!!
I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's cool 8/10
Sorry that last post was for the one of above you snipershot, I just took to long to write it.
you got ninja'd 2/10 feeble squirrel
No don't make fun of the squirrell haha, I will chang it and be back XD JK haha
Bad squirrel, it's almost as bad the constipated dude to your left 2/10
8/10Squirrels have squirrely wrath. You don't want to mess with the squirrels...(if you have no idea what squirrely wrath is, go here)
kyouzou get's a 1/10 for ninjaing me...
lol 5/10 for whining about ninjaing
6/10 for geting a better score than me. Which makes no sense.
0/10 it not even an armatar all it is,is a white square!
Haha you get a score just as good as mine 1/10
0/10 sorry you dont have one@saving Of course knight beats silly squrriel
Darn Ninja'd twice!!!! Not cool, nooooooo. I have slow reflexes.
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