Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
You're the first that I've ever seen with that one. It looks pretty cool. So I will rate it a 8.4/10
Wow i like your armatar uniqe but not a unicorn person so you get at least 7.5
looks nice... 8/10...
(screems) a peeper person (throws brick at Velos head) lol jk man but i give it a 9
looks like some weird golemdon not want 2/10
oh oh oh disin the smeagle i wouldnt be talking king james the 45th lol4.2
1/10. It looks like a demented fat guy.
5/10 it's regular and not very nice...
Strange, I like that, the nose is weird, like that! 10/10(I made my armatar...[spring, 2009 {1st of 8 to get in =D}])
7/10 i dig
*Gasp*look what you put on pg. 303!
10/10 pelicans are sick!!
It's a toucan.7/10 I had that one until my toucan. It's a bit overused but I like it.
Sorry, I meant toucan. I get all sorts of birds confused. =P
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