Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Cus dumb kings like you have to eat dem >:O!7/10 regularly...but 4/10 for eatin me :3
8/10 Unicorns are pretty fresh broski.
9/10 Cool dragon bro. Would have been cooler if it was blue though...
5/10 I'm neutral on the lizard. I've never seen anyone with it and it looks okay to me.
Woah there Ghost u got ninja'dGhost you get 6/10, flame dragon is 'ight.
Lolwut? How? I was rating d_dude's lizard. I like that dragon you have there. 7.5/10. It's a bit overused though.
healmeal had the lizard forever, im bummed he changed it. 4/10
9/10unicorns rock.
dam* straight they do8/10
6/10 Use a different dragon, like this one:
Polar bears are cool in my opinion. 8/10
I reeally like the ant 9/10
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