Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
i like aramatars that arent being used by lots of usersand look cool (red unicorn)7.5/10
6/10 i like some of the soldier armatars, sadly this isn't one of them :/
I like it, except it's slightly confusing. 8/10
7/10 i like the interesting colors and the swords are cool.
Man in foggy woods. I like it. It's drawn well. 10/10
I really don't like it. The background doesn't fit very well.3/10
I think that it is just an average armatar: 5/10
6/10 never really liked the wolves..
8/10 to u, I like dinosaurs some.
9/10 the classic wolf howling
8.5/10 i like the backround and the picture itself is really cool!
Used a lot. 6/10
Quite unique, but the coloration isn't too good.8/10
I like this armatar, mainly the colors. 9/10.
Cool I like that Dino 9/10
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