Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
4/10I don't like it very much.
i don't like it much but nice6/10
Hm............ I have a bad ralationship with that one, Russ... 4/10
dude you got no amatar and your cool 0/10 get a amatar
D: The blank armater is the most awesome of them all!!The tree dude, slightly above the average. 6/10
thanx and your amatar is cute i guess 8/10
I like it, I used to have it.7.8/10
its ok i guess i like mine better but still nice 7.9/10
ok 6.7/10
i don't like foxes but ok 6.8/10
Always sort of liked that one so I say... 8/10!
sory i don't like it to mean 3/10
0/10 unicorns..............
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