Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Naaw... You should go back to the wolf, Shintetsu, that is the one I remember you by....That one reminds me of adrecka.7/10
Well, 10/10. Same as me, Plain.
you have no armatar so ShintetsuWA i like animals but i dont like that one 6/10
Sine it is an actual image, it is just as much armatar as any other, you know. Why do i assoiciate you with the dragon...6/10
not my favorite 6/10 :P
i like bears 8/10
Birdie!6/10Rate mah mantis nao plz. *lolspeak for fun and profit (not really)*
I like Zophia's 8/10
aww man, you got Zophia, luckyanyway 7/10 for the bear
Nice...flaming skull...reminds me of Krusty Demons...7/10*worries about what will be said about my turkey...*
0/10no king is to be eaten!
Ooh handshakes!!! handshakes show world peace!!! 6.9/10!!!
It's one of the first armatars, I don't like it. 3/10
Don't really like it but its alright 6/10
Hanshakes show peace, but don't look good. 6.5/10
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