Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Blank is the best! 10/10
I like the message this one carries...9/10
I can't really judge something that doesn't exist!
W00t, 100 pages...Turkey with a hat!4/10And the blanks armatars does exist. They're just blank.
A non-existant armatar is an oxymoron in itself. I don't know why there is an armatar symbol of the logo on there, it should just be...blank.Zoph gets a 9.1/10 for a unique armatar (one that isn't used commonly)
ummm 8/10 because i've read how it reflects your personality
Flaming skeleton skull very original! 10/10My armatar will probably get a 3 or lower...
It is the 2nd best newbie armatar in my opinion I guess I would have to give it a 4/10
4/10... A chicken bone?
Its thanksgiving dude anyway I never liked that archer but its alright I guess I'd give it a 3.2/10
i like turkey 8/10
i used that amarat for a brief time and i still like it now
Thanksgiving! Where is your spirit?!7/10 for the original thing-4/10 for it is thanksgiving (You need some spirit!)3/10 Good, but you need to be w/ this certain time of month! I want to see some turkey, BOY!
is that a bone? 7/10
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