Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
its ok 7/10
your is o.k 8/10
urs is good but a little boring
oops! i didn't rate i rate it a 8/10
I like that monkey. What about mine(theres nothing lol)
0/10 lol..Don't worry if i might change mine..i never will.
pretty cool (but old)um let me see um 8/10 !
Just go get an armatar, sheesh lol 0/10
I like the panda its cute 8/10
I like yours! 8,5/10
ok I seen that one everywhere! 8.7/10
um i just see a shiled hehe so 5/10
Ish...6/10.It's ok but not something i would use.
i like that armatar that you have ricador8/10
7/10 nice but where's the surf board???
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