Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Not really original, and over used. 3/10
6/10Don't see it too much, but it's not my thing...
2/10. Kinda boring. Not too creative. Wouldn't catch my eye in a crowded forum lol.
Ah I used to use that one in November its good 6/10
I like your avatar John! It looks really cool... so 8/10!I am just worried about how the person below me will reply...
This on is just less cool now that I actually look at it. It's a dragon, not an evil eye. 8/10. Still the best dragon.
7/10pretty cool i think
dont know wat that is but it looks ok7/10
The fox is quite nice 7/10
Its cool John 7/10
7/10, quite original and goodlooking...
plokkeys armatar is cool@ 10000000000/10000000000
TheRageOfHeaven I give you a...8/10.Bye Bye Please give me a good rating.Hehehehehehe just kidding.Rate all you want.
Hm, I really like the dragon series, so 8/10!( "
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