Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
mr kingly think your better than me!6.9/10
6.5 its ok i guess but pointless?
3... selfish
why are the past three people i've rated been the fox?7/10
ok i give yours a 7.1
ahhhh another king/fox armatarr! when will it end!7.09/10
To dull :P5/10
10/10Only because they're endangered though. :P
10/10 As well I just like it....
8/10 i mite kill one
aagh polar bears are thriving at 15000+mr ghosty 5/10
Hmmmmmmm... I'll give it a.... 5/10... to dull, no zing...
7/10I'm not a real peaceful guy and bunnys are lame..The bunny in the armatar is skinny..i only like fat bunnys.lol.
9.3141592653... I personally don't like the name, but it isn't that bad...
personally don't like the name, but it isn't that bad...
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