Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Squirrels are awesome so 8/10
Rabbits..I never really liked them after the time they...never mind off topic. 7/10.
oohh.. it goes well with your name "fox" 9/10
Ehh, it's okay. I never really liked the pyro horse. 5/10
I liked your old one better... why'd you change it to that?
i used to use that one 8.6/10
9/10 it's the best, yes, but I don't like it that much.From your user name, I think it's safe to assume that you put the crown on your own head.
good starter armatar 7/10yeah it fits my user name better than any other armatar which is why i use it.
Good, but can be better with that much point. 9.999999/10
i like it its cool 8.2/10
Same AP level as mine and it fits you well. 8.314/10I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman,"Where's the self-help section?"She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
somehow the name pixie and that armatar just don't fit O:5/10
8.9/10 cool
that one is pretty sweet but a lot of people have it so 7/10
i guess its OK but i cant really tell what it really is7.3/10
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