ForumsGame WalkthroughsAge of War Walkthrough

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In the prehistoric age send out the troops needed to defeat the enemy.When you can evolve, do not.When the enemy evolves to the midevil era only send out dino riders.Upgrade turrets slots when possible. If you want put up turrets.When you can evolve, do not.When the enemy evolves to the pioneer era still only send out dino riders.Buy turrets if you like.When you can evolve, do not. When the enemy evolves to the WW2 era finally evolve to this era.Buy the best turrets and sell any other turrets you have.Have only these turrets.Once you have four of those up you do not need to send anymore troops(unless you like). Evolve to the futuristic era ASAP.If you want to win put up 4 of the IonRay turrets.If you want the best score possible put up 4 of the LaserCannon turret.Once you get 4 of either of these turrets put up, you do not need to send out anymore troops.The IonRay turret will eventually destroy the base, but the LaserCannon turret will not.

Thanks for reading.

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113 posts

I have a slightly different approach, but still pretty close.

in th prehistoric age start off with using your special, when the enemy has a few guys out. next buy the egg a pult, and send out enough club-men out to survive. Stay in prehistoric when they upgrade to middle ages. now start sending out a lot of club-men. as many as u can, until they stop having guys close to you. make sure that u have them getting close to your baser so the eggs will hit. use ut special whjen u have it, and when u get enough money upgrade to more turret spots. warning don't go for max amount, as u will need some of that money. upgrade twice and put 2 more egg a pults. continue like this until they reach the modern era. now u'll be safe in prehistoric if u don't stop sending out club-men, until they come out with their shooters. once u see them with a gun-men upgrade to modern era, and sell ur turrets, and put up double turrets. once u have 4 up u no longer need troops, but with the club-men, and a special u have left over u shouldn't need to send out more troops, but do so if needed.. upgrade to future as soon as possible, and get 4 ionRays. now u can just wait for it to destroy their base, or when u get around 500k, send out 2 war machines, and 3 super soldiers. and then follow up with as many of the gun ones as u can, and ui should be ok, but if the 3 super solders die, then stop making gun men and save ut money and try agaqin. also use ur special at the beginning of this attack.

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