If I remember correctly, that level had mostly cold weak people.
To start, make a mage on the corner of that patch of land in the center of the screen. Then, make a mage on the L-shaped spot near the spawn-point of the enemies. Lastly, place a mage on the far-right corner of the bottom-left piece of land (insurance).
Click initiate, and right as either mage glows, level them up with cold. When you can, add a knight to the bottom-right of the middle mage (make him cold, too)
Then, as you are able, level these mages up specialism, infect, and make, in this order, a mage to the bottom-left of the middle mage, a mage in the top-right corner, a mage opposite that mage in the top-left area, three more mages around the bottom-left one, and lots more mages around the top-left one. You can add a knight to the bottom left part of the central area, too, if you want to.
woot....nearly got myself killed in the archirion waste.....left with 1 life before the last boss get to my exit....or else gosh have to replay the whole area again....spam lots of warrior at straight path but have the mage at the corner of the street.....oh ya remember bout the ice dmg.....