This is an update from my last post. I've added a few more weapons, updated some, and made close combat weapons by request! I've also taken my time to display some tempting pic. of those customized and detailed weapons!
With too much time on my hand, I made -Kriss -Tavor -XM1014 (I can put up Image link when I have more weapons)
I want to make more close combat weapons... so far I have: -Brass Knuckles -M9(standard military bayonet/knife) -Samurai sword -Baseball Bat -Crowbar -Axe -Monkey Wrench
After a rather hectic week, Ive learned to animate on Flash 8... made a AR-15, a Glock 17 and HK USP. in the end I successfully implanted the weapons to Madness interactive, maybe Ill upload it when Im satisfied. have a good week! PS. Still looking for someone to use my weapons in a game!
*HUGE UPDATE* long time sins update.. but still working a lot of the models have been worked on since then. and much more added to them. --- new weapons Full list of weapon names can be found at the deviant art page.
wow....thats a lot of weapons.I am still trying to learn AS3 myself,but from what I have learned so far it helps to have each of the weapons as a separate image and to have a way to download it.If I learn it fairly quickly and you did the two things I suggested then I would love to have some art like that in one of my projects,but that may not be for awhile.I think you should try to put this in the programming help section though if you want to get the attention of a game developer though.