ForumsGame WalkthroughsTips and Tricks ***Wonderboy Legends 2***

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Yes, the game we all know and despise so very much, well not for long, my tips and tricks will get you off to a good start.

Tip #1- seriously don't think you can start off on medium because you can't I have a level 28 character and I still can't beat it, because stupid adobe flash 9 but anyways I don't know what's wrong with my mac right now but yes start out with easy.
Tip #2- stay on easy until you are around level 15 or else you will get owned majorly.
Tip #3- how to beat the troll yes I know right he is impossible the first 50 times, what I did was used whirlwind over and over again at a distance so it would push him back whenever he got close to me and I racked up a ton of coins to heal myself whenever he hurts me and how you heal yourself is using the spell next to whirlwind that heals you in return for 10 gold, I will tell you exactly where to stand when you are using whirlwind, stand right in front of the hole the princess is in on the left side not the right side and hold down the "S" key if he does manage to get close to you don't panic and run away just heal whenever you get damaged, as for death before you challenge him just stand at a distance and hold down the "A" key he will automatically move towards you just face him and keep holding down "A"
Trick #1- How to beat the first dragons minion without taking damage Guaranteed, when you are first going into the sewers use whirlwind to take out the bats and snakes, go to your left and fall down the next path over there use whirlwind once again take out the snake and bat that is there, now you jump onto the little jumping pad thing and keep jumping until you land on an invisible wall, don't fall off of it, walk to your left and you will walk straight through a wall and over the bosses head, keep using whirlwind when you are right on top of him and he won't hit you at all but you gotta land on the right invisible wall or it won't work, anyways good luck with that part.
Tip #4- How to beat the shroom boss, just keep using whirlwind, thats pretty much the secret to everything, as for the third boss I cannot help you because the third bosses level just freezes up with errors whenever I go in it, but I have beat the game on easy once, because I got lucky and it didn't freeze up, best of luck beating the game.

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Thank you so much but i didnt understand where the invisible wall were.....not because its invisible, but probably because i havent been there.....yeye btw....i dont have wirlwind.....but i do the troll really easy.....

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