In dolphin olympics, what everyone wants to do is get to space. Here is one of the ways how:
In the beginning, jump up and out of the water. Then, when you start to fall, let your nose fall in first to do a nice entry. When you get into the water, head back up again, and you should get a little higher this time. Then, as you come back down, again, nose-first for a nice entry. Then, repeat what you did the last two times, and you should get even higher and higher, until you reach space. You can do front flips and back flips while in the air if you want to boost your score. Make sure not to go two far down into the water as that will slow down your momentum. If you can hit any above water extensions, it would help even more. Hope this helped.
I have only managed to get into space twice, and that is with the circle thingys. I think what is going to help me, and what helped most people is that you should not come back down to deep. Because when i figured this out, i was going to the bottom then shooting straight up, and now that i think about it that is slower because of the water resistance.
I don't care about my high score. It's easier to get into space in free swim. I forgot what my overall record was, but I recently made it to the nebula, and probably could've gotten higher if I hadn't kept starsliding .
To get to the restaurant, follow these tips, but instead try to get horizontal momentum instead of vertical. Here's a visual demonstration: