This walkthrough is for the people who can not beat it on impossible or hard and started to cry. Also for the people who cried even more when here was no easy difficulty and who had to settle with medium. ---------------------------------------------------------- ~Age 1~
Ah stupid cavemen and the stupid comp will send them in without knowing you have a special. Wait until the first caveman is have way there and unleashe your fury. From the money, keep buying dino riders. *FUN FACT* space bar pauses game. Right click and then pressing foward turns of the music. *FUN FACT*. Just keep sending dino riders and using specials until the comp decides to send dino riders too. Then you use a combo, Dino Rider, Slingshot man, Slingshot man. Just keep doing this until you have 4000 xp
~Age 2~
The medival age, my favorite. *IMPORTANT* You can have a total of 4 people attacking. 1 meele in front, 3 archers in back. *IMPORTANT* Send in the combo from above until you have 7000 xp, then start sending in those knights. Only use knight when they are half way to your base and only send 1 at a time. The comp probably has a turret buy now and you dont want your pony to get hurt now do you? When the comp send their ponies to your place to have a tea party, send an archer behind your knight I MEAN PONY. Continue until 14000 xp
~Age 3~
YEEHAA cowboys! They are coyboys right? Whatever. The combo here is AWESOME. 1 dueler 3 mousqueeters. That is the second best combo here. Now the special is difucult to understand but its health regeneration. Be carefull it also affects the enemy, ahh what am I saying with the combo it takes 3-5 seconds to kill an enemy. Send 1 combo and use the special and they will make it to the enemy base. Do not use and cannoneers, they are useless here. Continue until 45000 xp
~Age 4~
The military. Our nations army. Here is where you buy turrets. Start sending 1 meele and 1 shooter until you have 14000 gold. Then buy the double turret and sit back and watch as you get another 14000 gold and buy another turret spot and get another double turret and get ANOTHER 14000 gold and buy turret spot and but the double turret. You only need 3 double turrets to beat this age. Nothing gets past it. Im serious, I didnt even have to pause to game to write this part. Get 200000 xp and on to the final stage.
~Age 5~
The home of the robot. Dont send any troops, the turrets kill everything. Just save up to 320000 gold and you win. First use the special to clear up the field then buy a battle tank and to super soldier. The tank will protect the super soldiers so they can get to the base unharmed. The super soldier will also attack so the tank will get their too. Now watch the destruction of the enemy and play another game