I know how to get NaN money, but not the secret Warrior. For NaN money and experience points, you right click and press forward on the screen where you pick your warrior. Don't click Start Journey, press right click and forward. You can't save if you do that though. =(
the secret warriar is completely random. just have a large reserve, and every now and then, for no apparent reason, your last 3 fighters start randomly switching into different ones at high speed. sell one of these back to the mercanary station and you get NaN gold. i also once activated a glitch (don't remember how) at the end of a fight (something to do with where my main hero was) and i won the fight, but it kept on fighting. but because i there wasn't anyone left, i won again, and got the same amount of stuff i did the first time again. after "winning" that fight a hundred times, i had so much stuff it would take hours to spend all the money.