If you have never played this game you must! ( to play go on my pro its unda my faves
A helpful hint for this game is to always wait for items. To make items come faster go to options and put the bar under items up to 60 which is the maximum. Another hint is to always make sure if they are frozen with the freeze gun try to freeze them closer to the egde because then you can push them off.
The thing about this game is you have to be fast. To maybe help you to get faster change the settings to whatever controls you want it may help you. I prefer using the A key as the first attack and the S key as second how most games usually are.
If you need anymore help ask me on my pro or on this
[b] So i said i do tips every day so the tip of the day is whenever either rocks or lava or anything that falls use you shield but if you have a hammer hit your opponent then use your shield. The chances are they will get hit and lose a life and you will not be harmed
Also another hint of the day only works in a certain place. The place is the building where you can get the Taser under hard. The trick is to try not to jump because when the helicopter goes by. Also when he does go by just go in the elevator once your shield has run out because it takes a while to get out once you go in the elevator. Once you get out if he is still there use your shield which should be fully charged again
This game was very easy. It was actually announced for a sequel on the Dissolute Productions site, and it was announced for Fall 2007. It is almost Fall 2008.
Apparently the sequel will have (if it ever comes) new characters, better graphics, new weapons and a Multiplayer version and an online version.