on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
0/10 Never heard of ya.
i lol'd @ Lige.7/10 I've seen you a few times.
i give you a 4/10But lige.....lol. Man that made me laugh pretty dang hard.
Never heard of you and your probably new 0/10
6/10. I really don't know you but I see you around quite abit.
9/10 and Lige, I am 13 and nobody in my family or any of my friends drink so how would I be drunk, and I have never cried.
funny as hell/10
spam-post/10These are my eyes, they are dried up from not ever crying.
no, they're bloodshot from being high all the time.
I showed you proof now show me some, and I have never smoked anything.
you showed me nothing except when you showed me your exposed genitals last night when you were drunk. i'm pretty sure you were just so drunk that you forgot.
waits for this to get back on topic/10
Why don't you stop spamming Lige and do what your supposed to do in the game and rate the above user's fame! -10/10
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