It does sound harsh but I do agree with you DragonMistress. And I agree with not putting the suffering on someone else. I think it's completely wrong when people commit suicide using methods whih may harm others. I have heard of a few events where people have parked their car on a train track and waited for the train; this resulted in the train derailing injurying a lot of people and even killing a few.
Well I rather not be the one who does it,but if they are going to die anyways,then their is no point in having life support on for another 3 months or something.Also why are there so many threads in this section about killing people?
No. Physician assisted suicide is wrong. This is a completely different matter from discontinuing treatment - which is acceptable if the person does not want to go through more medical care - this is murder.
personally i would rather die in dignity and in comfort than live like a vegetable as can happen in some cases. I am a supporter of euthanasia in specail circumstances. I mean if u ask someone to kill u is it murder? I dont think so.
If I couldn't go home, kick back, and watch a sports game, I'd tell the doctors to pull the plug. Why should I live in a terrible state for several years. All it does is increase my suffering, and the suffering of my loved ones.
When my Grandpa died, he pulled the plug early. Yeah, it sucked, but no one had to see him suffer. My Grandma on the other hand fought the cancer for 5 or so years, even though it was inevitable that she was going to die. Those five years were hell. Every day I was on edge. She was in lots of pain. She could pass at any moment. If people want to go, like my Grandpa did, I there is no doubt in my mind on what should be done. Why not let someone die with dignity and lessen the suffering of others?
Because there's a difference between letting them die and killing them. Letting them die is discontinuing treatment.
Killing them is speeding the process of death through one means or another. Administering lethal drugs is murder. Removing medically necessary equipment is the choice of the person.
My grandad told me this story about his days as a pilot in ww2 and since then i have been for euthanasia. One of the members of his squadron was shot down by a fockerwulfe. Th eplane flipped upside down as he was going down and crashed. He was seriously burned all over his body and because he couldnt get out of the cockpit he had near 100% burns all over his body. He took 6 weeks off to recover howeve he was still in huge ammounts of pain. He asked the doctords and they told him that becasue the burns were so deep he would live in pain for the rest if his life. He then wrote his will and when the members of his squadron came to visit him he spoke too my grandad alone hwo was his best friend and asked him to kill him. My grandad gave him his gun and walked out of the room. Its a sad story but i think it was justified. I dont really think people are in the position to judge whether or not euthanasia is wrong until they have experienced something so horrible and makes them be in so much pain that they want to die. Anyway thats what i think.
I too am for euthanasia. A persons life is their own and to be done with as we each, as individuals, see fit. A certified and regiestered doctor to assist in the taking of our own lives is a positive tihng. Consider the alternative -- sleeping pills or, like in Woody's story, a revolver. Wouldn't it be much better for the individual who wishes to die if their family could be with them during their last moments instead of finding them in varrying states of dissaray. Isn't it better to die with dignity instead of the state many people are found after commiting suicide?
Now, I don't know the specifics of how it would work (for example should people with psychological dissorders such as depression be considered for euthanasia, or just physical pain) but I believe the government (USA) should reconsider the current stand on the issue.
Finally, great consideration must be given before imprisonning doctors who wish to assist individuals in ending their lives. There is a huge difference between murder and what it is some doctors have done.
not a problem. I think its easy with issues like these to just say it is murder and leave it at that. I think you can only really know how u feel if someone close to you wanted to die. Putting yourself in someone elses shoes is a good place to start.
Oh my god Woody, your story just made me cry. You are completely right. Until you've been in a situation where you are watching a loved one die in agony from cancer or from from some kind of accident you can have an opinion but you don't really *know*.