so i want to make my fireball in the game I'm working grow in size the longer you hold the button but i don't know how...
the code i tried was (note: dx and dy are just values that increase the _y and _x values) ... }else if(Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)){ fire._y = Player._y; fire._x = Player._x; fire.dx = Player.dx * 10; fire._xscale += 10; if (fire._xscale > 30){ fire._xscale = 30; } fire._yscale += 10; if (fire._yscale > 30){ fire._yscale = 30; } } else...
well not really you know the game i think i asked you to test? by holding shift you increase and shoot off a fire ball... fortunately i fixed the code ( i think i typed in something wrong in the AS)