1. Download Flash trial off adobe.com 2. Learn the program with some tutorials off the net 3. learn actionscript. 4. follow some basic actionscript tutorials
I used to use gamemaker three years ago. if you're younger than me(9-11) then keep using it for abou two-three months the use flash! But then it's easy to learn game maker I didn't even use tutorials, except one which is in the game maker help! It's very self-explanatory.
if you're 12 or over and good with things like maths and science start with flash and ActionScript.
The easiest way to create a game is with Flash CS4 (or soon CS5) and ActionScript 2. AS2 is for me easier than AS3. And watch alot Youtube tutorials. Another good point would be knowledge with C++ because AS2 is extremly similar to C++. After a couple of weeks you'll get it. And don't forget to try on your own. Only learning by doing helps you fast.
Another good point would be knowledge with C++ because AS2 is extremly similar to C++.
Unlikely that somone will know C++ if they are learning actionscript. Also Java is more simliar and easier to learn than C++ to actionscript since it's heavily influenced by it.