Hey, hows it going. I made this topic to share some of my drawings I've made from Paint. I didn't realize I was any good at drawing on Paint, until Fire hired me as an Illustrator for his RPG. Just today I've drawn two more pictures:
There they are. They both roughly 5 to 10 minutes to draw. I may later on post the weapons from Fire's RPG, but I won't do that until I have Fire's permission. Since they were made for his use, I consider them his property, so I wouldn't use them without his consent. Please let me know what you think, don't be afraid to ask questions, and I may accept requests. But you would have to provide a picture, from side view, because 3D doesn't really transfer on Paint, it looks very bad.
A cutting edge cookie? That sounds weird. Do you mean like you can cut people with the edge, or cutting edge as in new and revolutionary, or something else I can't think of right now?