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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765776
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
818 posts

Actually, It can be spelled Hero or Heroe. Heroes is the plural of hero, and heros stands for a sandwich. Also, my poem stands for multiple heroes.

4,220 posts

I believe that poem was a reference to Rommel? Pretty obvious, with all the desert fox stuff. And by the "desert" stuff, you're probably talking about his North Africa campaig

Close, but no. I'm talking more about Patton, though it could go either way for some of it.

Says it here:

Victory ours, the fox is gone,
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Darn, is it closed or can I enter? Please, I just got back from a hiatus....I need one day only. May the Great Overlord have eternal mercy on a humble poet.

2,180 posts

Enter plz. Moabarmorgamer isn't here yet.

2,906 posts

I am a hero
and sometimes I fearo
that nobody cheero
for the deeds done be me

I love to be helpful
but I hate to be harmful
and I just cant be lethal
to villains, you see

I am told I am useless
and that I should be homeless
well this all makes me wrestless
this is just what they think

I clobber the bad guys
doesnt matter what their size
Im a hero in my eyes
who cares what they think?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

For those familiar in LOTR lore.

Fallen Angel

I stalk the dark shadows of Hell,
Where evil creeps and binds,
A millenium of pain when I fell,
Where Darkness permeates the mind.

I used to sit on a golden throne,
Where the Light pierced the clouds,
Now I sleep amongst broken bone,
Where the Darkness broods and shrouds.

They ensnared my being with envy,
Lies that they cleverly wove and spun,
Of promised wealth and glory,
I turned my back to the calling Sun.

A Saviour of men I used to be,
But they corrupted my unyielding soul,
Power and ambition I could only see,
The road none return, I was bold.

I chose my path, there's no return,
But remember my long forgotten past,
Me, the one that sleeps and burns,
A fallen angel chained in iron fast.

I used to be a hero, a leader of men,
A beacon of Light in the young world,
Servant of One, life giver and friend,
Crumbling image on a damaged mural.

Mourn but do not weep for me,
Even heroes are not infallible,
An angel bound for an eternity,
Nothing more but a tragic fable.

Proud but broken I sleep here,
No more the noble hero I once was,
A cursed evil still untouched by fear,
I repent, still forsaken by my cause.

2,180 posts

Let me take a guess. Hurin Thalion?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Nah, slight allusions to Morgoth/Melkor and Annatar, or shall we say Sauron? And the Valar corrupted by Morgoth.

2,180 posts

I was thinking Morgoth at first, but the references to ruling men didn't really fit. I'm not that inclined to be sympathetic to Morgoth, since I'm not really the revisionist. In my mind it would fit Hurin or Turin better.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

It would, but they did rule Men. Easterlings and that sort remember?

8,570 posts

Righto, judgins are here(if slightly late).

Platinum Medal

Nerd, Loser!
***got, Boozer.
These are what some heroes are called.
Through it all their education is never stalled.
What they do it what they feel.
While others sit like lames and chill.
Most fit in the central plan.
Some are known as the MAN.
What they are we all know.
Some turn into what we know as hoe.
These are the preps and populars.
While the heroes are the people who have been scarred.
The comic heroe we see is an alpha male.
Whilst the true heroes are no more than small tales.
My heroe beats them all.
While he stands through it, the weak fall.
The gym class loser, boozer and lame.
These are the reasons they will be the ones with true fame

By Adios194

Although the rhythm is patchy, I like the message about how even though the classic Hollywood hero is strong and respected, even the smallest and puniest of people can be a hero, and in different ways. In the words of Baltasar Gracian Bowie, "Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one."
Although, a side note/request, I would prefer it if there wasn't as much swearing in the poem. I don't mind an occasional curse, but try to cut down on them a little, 'kay?
Contact Carlie(or really, any mod) for your merit. Congratulations.

Silver Medal

Rolling thunder sweeps across the land,
Blood and guts shall fill the sand.
The desert fox may be elusive,
Sending troops who will cease to live.
The tanks are moving, firing quick,
The slaughter looming shall make you sick.
Advancing flanks through Alamein,
The slaughter of thousands drive you insane.
Reversing the tactics, send the blitz,
Hitting hard, they must be blown to bits.
Advancing the desert, killing all,
Breaking through, we shatter their wall.
Victory ours, the fox is gone,
All thoughts of the enemy now foregone.
Though victory is ours, it is short lived,
Onto more killing that we relive.

By EnterOrion

This poem flowed better than its competitor(and defeater), and you were very successful with the descriptions; I could easily see the battlefield in my mind's eye, very well done. I also liked how this poem showed a little of the other side of the war hero: sure, they're a hero, but they're a hero because they've lived through horrible things and sometimes, done horrible things(like slaughter). I like the idea that good and evil are perspective. A war hero to one side is a perpetrator of war crimes to the opposing side. Anyway, well done and congratulations.

Honorable Mention/D'oh!

Fallen Angel
I stalk the dark shadows of Hell,
Where evil creeps and binds,
A millenium of pain when I fell,
Where Darkness permeates the mind.
I used to sit on a golden throne,
Where the Light pierced the clouds,
Now I sleep amongst broken bone,
Where the Darkness broods and shrouds.
They ensnared my being with envy,
Lies that they cleverly wove and spun,
Of promised wealth and glory,
I turned my back to the calling Sun.
A Saviour of men I used to be,
But they corrupted my unyielding soul,
Power and ambition I could only see,
The road none return, I was bold.
I chose my path, there's no return,
But remember my long forgotten past,
Me, the one that sleeps and burns,
A fallen angel chained in iron fast.
I used to be a hero, a leader of men,
A beacon of Light in the young world,
Servant of One, life giver and friend,
Crumbling image on a damaged mural.
Mourn but do not weep for me,
Even heroes are not infallible,
An angel bound for an eternity,
Nothing more but a tragic fable.
Proud but broken I sleep here,
No more the noble hero I once was,
A cursed evil still untouched by fear,
I repent, still forsaken by my cause.

by Nichodemus

This is a terrific poem, and if I'm going to be honest, it would've won first place. But unfortunately(and this may be my fault for not announcing the deadline) you posted the poem on the 7th, after the deadline of the 6th, disqualifying it. I'm sorry, but I figured you at least deserved some kind of honorable mention. Good job on the poem.

New Theme: Love/Passion
New Deadline: February 15.
I figured we'd do a love theme for Valentine's Day(on Friday). And this doesn't have to be real love; for you cynics out there, it could be false love, leech love(as I call it), black widow love(the cliche), breakups, etc. etc. Anything pertaining to love. And for those of you younger ones who are uncomfortable writing about love or something similar, I put in the "Passion" thing for you guys. The Passion angle is far more vague and opportunistic. It can be about any strong emotion; hate, envy, love, trust, etc. etc. Or, if you want to challenge yourself, try to do a "two sides of the coin" kind of thing.
Anyway, good luck everybody!

4,220 posts

Silver Medal


Does it have to be love of people?
8,570 posts

Does it have to be love of people?

Although, bestiality is highly discouraged. You is being watched.
4,220 posts

Although, bestiality is highly discouraged. You is being watched.

I wasn't thinking that. I was thinking more along the lines of


I stalk in the night, creeping around,
Searching for victims, ne'er making a sound.
I creep into houses, seeking for blood,
I pull out my knife, and unleash the flood.

I am always watching, looking to kill,
For this is my love, and I do it well.
Slashing through flesh, the rain begins,
I'll slice open their throats, make them die for their sins.

Kidnapping and acid, the go together fine,
With a hammer, to their deaths they resign.
Bashing and slamming, they feel so good,
Taking away everything, and all they could.

I am not insane, I am perfectly fine,
I hear no voices, that's a good sign.
Maybe I'm a psychopath, but who would know?
I guess no one would, that fills me with woe.

I need to stop, but I can't any longer,
The impulses get louder, ever stronger.
With love in my heart, I take a gun,
I walk into a store, kill all for fun.

I am shot down, dead in the street,
Inside my chest, my heart will never beat.
13,344 posts

No gold medal this round? o_O

Showing 1831-1845 of 3868