ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
1,900 posts

Not sure if I'll make this round, unless I get it in tonight or after I get back from my trip, in two weeks.

I hope you get a chance to write one, I've read some of your poems, and they are pretty amazing.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

An out of fashioned grandfather's clock,
Sits forlornly and perversely mocks,
My sudden bout of writers block,
Whilst humming a drone-like tick tock.

I hate having writer's block for intern articles. Anyway Jeol, we'll see, the round might not be over by then.

139 posts

I'm sure hope there's enough room in here for one more.

Time is of the essence,
Tick Tock as I go.
The Hands Of Time watches,
While these feet of mine flow.

Arms stretched for the knob,
The touch, cold to the core.
Inhale, exhale,
As the clock strikes four.

I guess I'll add on to this later on; maybe change it up a bit. I have to say - I didn't do to bad for my first poem. ;D

58 posts

Neocortical Slaves

Though vague and surprised, the R-complex perceives
the passing of cycles of cold and of heat.
The languishing days go swimmingly by
while each does its best to pass on and survive.
'Til finally at once they leave piles of meat
having never considered the coming defeat.

But oh, not for us, neocortical slaves!
We parse out the night and we labor by day.
We wait for the chill to creep into our bones
always hoping at best that we won't pass alone.
We struggle and toil full knowing futility,
though sometimes the best of us has the facility
to recognize patterns in things and reations,
eventually finding the Lorentz contractions,
the method by which we can slow down decay
and swing past the average that we tend to stay.
But nevertheless it still cannot change
the perception of passage or the end of our range.
So forward we look, never knowing how far,
having once been, and perhaps will again, matter in stars.

58 posts

to recognize patterns in things and reations,

to recognize patterns in things and reactions,

grumble thought I proofread this, need more coffee /grumble
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

It's alright, you can submit as many times as you want before the deadline elapses!

1,900 posts

When does the deadline elapse?
I'm just realising the ending of my poem sucks.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

When enough poems come in or when the time is ridiculously long. Flexibility is there since I've had enough of judging just 3 or 4 pieces. So just resubmit if you want to.

1,627 posts


I lay here on my deathbed
As the fog of Death creeps over me,
My life flashes before my eyes
As the squandered time goes by.

I had the world in my hand,
All the time in the world
Was not enough for what I wanted to do.
So I did none of it.

The petty arguments
Over the happenings of nonsense.
So many apologies to former friends,
Needed but words never came to mouth.

I look back upon my years
And I see much good.
My marriage, my children, my work,
And I appreciated none of it.

There was always more of this,
Too much to spare.
How can we enjoy
That which we have a hundred of?

The petty arguments
Over the happenings of nonsense.
So many apologies to former friends,
Needed but words never came to mouth.

My wife died,
Her time had run out.
I knew that it was too be my turn next,
But it wasn't the case.

My sons went off to fight
In a senseless war.
The both returned to me safe,
Under a lid of oak.

What father buries their son?
The roles were reversed
By the cruel carousel of time,
That always turns circles.

The petty arguments
Over the happenings of nonsense.
So many apologies to former friends,
Needed but words never came to mouth.

The sun has set
On this glorious day.
Another day will come,
Just without my presence.

My grandchild sits at my side
As the breath slips away from me.
My heart slows and slows,
Coming to a stop.

The petty arguments
Over the happenings of nonsense.
So many apologies to former friends,
Needed but words never came to mouth.

My clock has wound down
Like the cruel ending of a sports match.
The last seconds go off,
Amid a great fanfare.

I wasted it
I spent it
I used it
I killed it.

All we have is Time.

161 posts


I'm laying in bed,
The clock reads 10:52
It's nearing 11:00 I think to myself before I drift off to sleep

The dream felt so real
As if it was real, as if you were real
I thought I had a second chance

The first, I wasted my time

I had days,
But I got caught up in you

And I lost control
Of everything I had created

It all slipped from my fingers,
I had pushed too fast

I had the time,
I could've held back

But I scared you off,
I lost it all

I still had some days,
To think, "Is there anything I can do"

No, I kept telling myself
It's lost, you can't fix it

It's just been a few days since Valentine's day
And there I was,
Thinking of what I did wrong

Thinking, "You don't have the time to bring her back"
I did

I wake up screaming,
The clock reads 10:52
It's nearing 11:00 I think to myself as I think of you

It's now March 21
It's been over a month

And I still have time,
A few more chances

But here I sit,
Idly by and watch
As you slip further away

I'm wasting all my time

2,180 posts

Back with a little triangular form. Ah, to think of the old days of the poetry contest!

The glory days.
I knew them well enough.
When pens clashed, spilling ink on page,
When forms and rhyme would flow like precious blood,
When hearts of poetry engraved.
The prosody they loved
Will always

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

If anyone is interested to take over as judge after this round, tell me, because I'm getting busier, so I won't be able to indulge in such a responsibility, and because I would like to take part once again.

1,900 posts

Here's the improved version:

Watching the clock tick,
realizing I am sick.
I have no idea who I've become,
this new mind of mine is a slum.

Time has been cruel, time has been sly,
but I can't keep up with everyone walking by.
All of these years, what did I miss?
The last few years, I was in silent bliss.

What must I do to regain all that have been,
to undo the values of my sin.
I canât hide the taste of iron in my mouth,
I fear my time may almost be out.

21 posts

Sorry bout last post, it just did it, hit wrong key

Wisdom and age becomes true,
but the future is still clouded.
What should happen to you,
as the crystal ball remains shrouded.

Do not dwell on the past.
You may hold a grudge,
but you must not let it last,
or karma will be your judge.

Time remains a mystery,
It is the future and now,
or it can be history.
But I do not know how.

It can be an epic quest,
with fear, strength, and dread.
Or maybe a simple jest,
maybe even making bread.

Always keep this in mind,
That no matter what race,
no matter what kind,
Time moves at an amazing pace.

439 posts


Abscess makes the heart grow fainter
Am I here to sit and wait or
Will this mindless, heartless grater
Find a way to fill the crater?

What else to do but lie upon
The insufferable metallic hum?
It grows incredibly the same, along
The emptiness around my lung

A vital sign shakes the sheet
The tablet laying at my feet
Springs into life as if a fleet
Of lovers hands make cautious greet

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Give it time and it will wander
To another heart along the
Flitting, fleeting never longer.

Showing 3436-3450 of 3868