ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
2,027 posts


Nobody is perfect, yet you dream to be,
An endless dream, which can never come true.
There is something you dreamers fail to see,
When you set your goals too high, the one who suffers is you.

Don't waste your time with regret,
Don't waste it hoping to be a better you,
There is something you seem to forget,
You are who you are, and that will do.

Why focus on the flaws, when you are so much more as well,
You might not notice, but the rest of us do.
So when you claim that your life is a living hell,
Remember it is you who are making this true.

1,946 posts

Alright, time for me to make my next poem.


Let's see here, hmm
what to change
ahh, here we go
take this word out
move that sentence here
add a period here
ooh, maybe a new line there
extra words everywhere
its getting better.

lets see how perfect
this poem is now...
HEY! that's not my poem!
it sounds like crap!
sigh. another poem ruined

3,437 posts

There is Peace Here

The light of the sailing sun
Glides across the plain
Warming the morn as birdsong creeps out
From the forest eaves
Deep within the dappled pines
Which cast shadows in hidden patterns
Ever shifting as the sun moves onward
Into the west where it briefly
Kisses the lofty spires of jagged peaks
Who's snow glistens like vast wealth
A thing of pearl and mirthril
And now, the sun sets
Into the roaring ocean that
At this moment
As the sun cats its weary head
Against the tempest pillow
Does it, the sea, grow calm
Only now, to end the day.

**Note: You take notice that the poem only has one period. Please be aware that this is intentional. The poem is not meant to stop until the end of the day, simply because the poem is a representation of the sun.

316 posts


[i]The boy lacks in confidence,
Nobody knows his abilities,
Nobody knows of his brilliance,
But.. there is always possibilities,

Hiding away his perfection,
Didn't want to use his voice,
Always afraid of rejection,
He didn't know, it'd give rejoice,

When he built up the courage,
He entered a singing competition,
It was his turn to go on stage,
And everyone loved his audition,

He got a standing ovation,
He went on to win the show,
He's now a singing sensation,
And, his confidence began to grow,

His voice is perfection,
Everybody knows his name,
His voice, always a connection,
Now he floods with fame.

:3 I couldn't think at all, words just messed about in my head.

2 posts

You sit down on the couch,
popcorn in hand,
your girlfriend cuddled close,
yet your mouth tastes like sand.

You sweat and you worry,
for you know what is to come,
you agreed to this foolishly,
you feel so dumb.

As the movie begins,
you're already wincing in pain,
for you'll never come down,
from this level of shame.

You say it's for love,
yet it brings you to tears,
for now you are watching: Crossroads,
starring Britney Spears.

2,027 posts

You sit down on the couch,
popcorn in hand,
your girlfriend cuddled close,
yet your mouth tastes like sand.

You sweat and you worry,
for you know what is to come,
you agreed to this foolishly,
you feel so dumb.

As the movie begins,
you're already wincing in pain,
for you'll never come down,
from this level of shame.

You say it's for love,
yet it brings you to tears,
for now you are watching: Crossroads,
starring Britney Spears.

This was hilarious, but unfortunately, the theme changed on page 282, the title just haven't been updated :/

The new theme is Perfection, but the deadline was today, so I don't know if you have time to make another entry...
46 posts

The boy lacks in confidence,
Nobody knows his abilities,
Nobody knows of his brilliance,
But.. there is always possibilities,

Hiding away his perfection,
Didn't want to use his voice,
Always afraid of rejection,
He didn't know, it'd give rejoice,

When he built up the courage,
He entered a singing competition,
It was his turn to go on stage,
And everyone loved his audition,

He got a standing ovation,
He went on to win the show,
He's now a singing sensation,
And, his confidence began to grow,

His voice is perfection,
Everybody knows his name,
His voice, always a connection,
Now he floods with fame.

This shouldn't be allowed to win.. this is plagiarism.
3,437 posts

This shouldn't be allowed to win.. this is plagiarism.

Are you sure? Mind hooking us up with a link?
1,813 posts

Don't feed the hand that bites you

The young boy stands alone on the porch
With teary eyes he smears the land
Barren as if scamped by a torch
An unyielding soil for a trifling demand
And the grass grows green elsewhere
But the little man just don't care

Spade in hand and hope in mind
He turns the earth to which we owe
Day and night he toils to grind
The harsh ground so that he can sow
Seeds of life and seeds of hope
Seeds to push away the rope

As time flies a man blooms from the child
Thinned from many unfruitful harvests
But still he cares for the savage and wild
Piece of earth that reaps his assets
And though grass grows green elsewhere
How could the tall man ever care

But comes a day when his backbone aches
And his hands and feets and his resolves
Are as thin and fragile as glass flakes
A once strong soma reluctantly exolves
For years a labor gone to waste
And a damp and dusty aftertaste

On the brink of mortal existence
The lone hermit finaly looked abroad
And slowly crossed the large fence
Walking hurriedly on the vivid road
To a plain of strong and thriving grass
where he laid down and rested his mass

Arched and broken the prideful son
Slipped into a peaceful death
For giving life was the work of an eon
A work to take one man's last breath
Rot in the life you wanted resurrected
And bear the grief of the perfected

Quick one because I only realised a few hours ago that the theme had changed; I hadn't noticed since the thread's title had not been updated.

46 posts

Are you sure? Mind hooking us up with a link?

Unfortunately, I have no link to the source, but I know, I wrote something very.. very similar to this two years ago.
316 posts

I swear I wrote this by myself, maybe I might have seen it somewhere and got inspiration, but if I did plagiarise, it was never intentional.

3,437 posts

Unfortunately, I have no link to the source, but I know, I wrote something very.. very similar to this two years ago.

Unless it was published or you have an original copy to show then it isn't plagerism. Having someoneone write something similar by coincidence does happen.
2,180 posts

Indeed. Plagiarism is a pretty serious needs to have been out there first to be counted as plagiarism.

1,813 posts

Would you like someone to judge in your stead Parsat? I don't fit your shoes in terms of poetic knowledge, but surely someone would volunteer if you can't find the time to do it yourself; we wouldn't want you to be drowned in work right?

347 posts

You know, you should give noobs a chance to judge!!! hint... hint...

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