ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
13,344 posts

This was a tough theme, and it's possible I didn't quite grasp it. But I wrote a nice villanelle, and I'm proud of it.

The endless battle ceases to subside
Waves roar and crash against the battleship
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

Hot lightning strikes the ship on either side
Large frigid waves from out of nowhere rip
The endless battle ceases to subside

A cabin boy emerges from the tide
He struggles very hard to keep his grip
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

He barely stays afloat, so petrified
He fears his frozen solid hands will slip
The endless battle ceases to subside

With one last breath, the young man prayed and cried,
"Don't let this voyage be their final trip"
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

The storm cleared up, the crew alive inside
Not knowing of the man who saved their ship
The endless battle ceases to subside
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

13,344 posts

Sure, you have time to write a poem but not judge the Haiku contest.

It's creeping over onto the third page.

6,800 posts

Blossoming Love

None can compare to my lover's life!
All words to describe fall flat, fall plain.
We battled through war, and fought through strife,
Emerging sweeter than the purest of cane.*

And none can compare to my lover's eye!
Innocent through the shades they have seen.
Each night I pray that I may ne'er die,
And be parted from their fish-scale gleem.

And we have only been purified,
Like a mountain spring rolling down its bed.
From her grace my eye cannot be pried,
Though I weep for the victorious dead.

And when we failed, those many times,
We did not gnash our teeth, nor break our brow.
And though adversity be more sour than lime,
We pushed e'er foward! A grand ship's prow.

But the greatest? That through all our trials,
My lover always brough my lips to smile.

*Cane Suger, that is.

4,196 posts

The theme for this round simply reminds me of a famous Plath poem, 'Lady Lazarus.'

Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air.

That is the last stanza of the aforementioned poem, links, but yeah. Isn't it a clincher :P
6,800 posts

My lover always brought my lips to smile.

Fixed a grammatical error.
215 posts

"My lover always brough my lips to smile" is actually a spelling error, not a grammatical error!

227 posts

World of the fire, lighted by the ancient winds
Who can destroy the mountain of phoenix
Of the lord of the west red diamond

Walking in the street
To the city we never met
New sun, new stars and new me
All rised from the ashes

Come around on me again
The sin sands from the lonely land
Let the fire burn my body again

A mail from the heaven
Show me the way to the hell
Then I will rise from the ashes

enjoy, its not my best poem...

227 posts

Smoldering ashes spell such doom,
Plunging us in dismal gloom,
But our hope within does bloom
Of rising from the ashes.

Devastation everywhere,
People buried in despair,
Wondering if the others care
To help us from the ashes.

Others in dire straits as we
Have begun the light to see,
As they grope tenaciously
To rise up from the ashes.

Human spirit is so strong.
Helps by pushing us along
As we try to right the wrong
And rise up from the ashes.

And we know that stronger still
Is the love of God that will
Hope inside our hearts instill
Of rising from the ashes.

So weâll focus on His gaze
Through the stifling, smoky haze,
Knowing weâll see better days
And rise up from the ashes.

Then weâll go to those who mourn
Over losses, so forlorn,
Help them to a life reborn,
To rise up from the ashes.

And with us they will live on through
Tribulation yet in view
And into a world so new,
Rising from the ashes!

3,437 posts

Stormwolf you may only enter ONE poem. Which one is it?

3,437 posts

Submissions are now closed I will post the judging between now and Friday.

1,824 posts

Good luck! Thou willest need it!

3,437 posts

Sorry guys I'll have the judging posted tomorrow. I had a surprise family function today.

3,437 posts

Thrid Place: PureTrouble

Burning Revenge

Seamlessly, effortlessly
They crush and wallow in the dust
Taking no care or slight notice
In their non serendipitous campaign

The heart bleeds and dies inside
And smoke sieges the lungs and throat
Eyes watch behind walls of water
Knuckles white, fingers tense, they itch and yearn

The time will come soon enough
You will wear his armor and name
Blood will rise and bodies will fall
How can they even start to stop you now

You have risen from nothing
Taken the task set forth from fire
Quenched the mind with tackless revenge
And stopped swimming in the sea of ashes

The imagery of this poem is very fitting for the theme. It takes a theme I had meant to inspire hope and twists it into a path of vengence and greed. I enjoy the flow of it, though it does break up near the end. Careful about that.

Second Place: Maverick4

Blossoming Love

None can compare to my lover's life!
All words to describe fall flat, fall plain.
We battled through war, and fought through strife,
Emerging sweeter than the purest of cane.*

And none can compare to my lover's eye!
Innocent through the shades they have seen.
Each night I pray that I may ne'er die,
And be parted from their fish-scale gleem.

And we have only been purified,
Like a mountain spring rolling down its bed.
From her grace my eye cannot be pried,
Though I weep for the victorious dead.

And when we failed, those many times,
We did not gnash our teeth, nor break our brow.
And though adversity be more sour than lime,
We pushed e'er foward! A grand ship's prow.

But the greatest? That through all our trials,
My lover always brough my lips to smile.

Again Maverick you've come close to first place. Alas I feel somewhat bad for not giving you the merit, for this is a very merit worthy poem. The flow and imagery captured within the poem reflect the theme almost perectly. Once more I found the flow broke up at times, but overall a very good poem.

First Place and Merit Winner: Ernie15

The endless battle ceases to subside
Waves roar and crash against the battleship
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

Hot lightning strikes the ship on either side
Large frigid waves from out of nowhere rip
The endless battle ceases to subside

A cabin boy emerges from the tide
He struggles very hard to keep his grip
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

He barely stays afloat, so petrified
He fears his frozen solid hands will slip
The endless battle ceases to subside

With one last breath, the young man prayed and cried,
"Don't let this voyage be their final trip"
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

The storm cleared up, the crew alive inside
Not knowing of the man who saved their ship
The endless battle ceases to subside
You'll see King Neptune on the other side

Beautifully done. The poem captures the theme in a most subtle way. I found that the poem flowed magnificently and the tale it told was very fitting. Overall I have little criticsm, and hope you keep up the excelent work. Well done
3,437 posts

The next theme will be: Your Private Shore

Deadline is: May 3rd, 2011

2,261 posts

Quick question (since I am too lazy to scroll back):

Is there a required number/limit of stanzas? Also, is there a required number/limit of lines per stanza?


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