ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
214 posts

wen u say poem does it hav to rhyme or wat, cos i write a lot of rhyming nd non rhyming poems

1,946 posts

There is no set style for this contest, just so long as the poem fits the theme. So its your choice whether you want to write a rhyming or a non-rhyming poem.

3,437 posts

It's official everyone I shall have judging posted tomorrow. Again I apologize for this severe delay due to my exams coming up.

3,371 posts

Whoo! Judging is over today. I was on a small haitus (however its spelled), so I didn't even notice.

3,437 posts

3rd Place: Emperor Palapatine

The flowers bloomed in the flowing field;
The endless sea met the sky above;
The secrets of nature were revealed
In our wonderland of hope and love.

But as our thoughts were limitless,
So was our curiosity,
And when our innocence transgressed,
Our world was shattered instantly.

For years we wandered and explored;
Yet we would return nevermore.

Simplicity itself. It is a rather lovely poem that reflects the theme extremely well. My only comment is that it was not longer, I would have loved to see what this could have turned into, yet, as it is now, it is well written.

2nd Place: Kyouzou

Imperfect Illusions

Blind Happiness.
Crippled Will.
Ignorant Paradise.

Utopian Hell,
Knowledge for happiness.
One mistake, salvation?

Fall into imperfection,
Awareness of truth
Agony and Sorrow experienced.

Yet, life is true.
Worth living.
A life complete.

An interesting take on the theme. I enjoyed the contradicting phrases you placed in there, such as "utopian hell". Well written, though the rythm was off at times I found.

1st Place and Merrit Winner: Nichodemus

Paradise Lost?

I remember your harsh barbed words,
That ripped through my starry fantasy,
As my rash love tinted and blurred,
My vision of earthbound reality.
When you casually tossed me away,

Leaving me marooned on my isle of despair,
Wistfully building dreams for another day,
Desperate oath to love I did swear.
I bitterly resented my Paradise lost,
Your chilly silence left an eternal frost,

All my begging and pleas I did exhaust,
Only then did I accept my dying cause.
The banquet of fives senses you conjured,
Vanished in a twinkling of my now open eyes,
As your smile twisted and honey voice demurred,

A vapid succumbus without your disguise.
My shattered illusions of blissful felicity,
Squeezed my still regretful mind,
Disgusted with my thoughts of toxicity,
Yet I'm done with lies and your kind.

Sweet words right from Belial's script,
A vengeful fox worthy of Beezlebub,
One more cruel then bloody Moloch primed,
Outstripping Satan in his realm of wrath.
Tell me now dear, how much have I really lost?

This was...interesting to read. I feel this catches on to Milton's work with a great deal of accuracy, though not in the same tone as Milton. Further more this poem made me think of Adam regreting his choice to fall along with Eve. For this also carries a tone of an almost regretful God, especially in the last few lines, but that may be a misinterputation upon my part. Either way, fantastic.


Well folks, I once again apologize for my extreme lateness. However, I should be done reasonably on time next round. So without further pause...

Theme: A Christmas Carol (as in Charles Dickons)

Due: December 15, 2011
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Thank you Wolf

And yes it was Milton inspired, since I was reading the book!

1,627 posts

Oy Vey Iz Mir

Joyous words are all abound
Trees plucked like feathers from the ground
Many ornaments hung side to side
Oh what an occasion, it's Christmas time!

'Tis the holiday season and all we see
Are Christmas gifts of toys on TV
Why no one remembers Hannukah is beyond me
Aren't we all equal? From sea to shining sea?

Across the street, about 10 yards or so
My family is ready to go
For it's the first night of Hannukah no where near done
Tonight we light candle number one

Back in the date of Judah Macabee
We were persecuted, we were not free
However we rallied under him, that brave Jew
Tonight we light candle number two

Macabee in Hebrew means "hammer"
All his enemies he would "slammer"
Fast as a butterfly, stinging like a bee
Tonight we light candle number three

Oh! Today is Christmas what a surprise!
All other families are awake before the sunrise
In the Christmas spirit they rejoyce
Caroling in a very loud voice

Back to the Hannukah part...

Tonight we light candle number four
When we heard a mysterious knock on the door
We opened the door very wide
And we heard this...
...back to our latkes, oh so fried

Night number five and my brother got a new toy boat
We all enjoyed some sufganeyot (look it up)
We sang and danced and did a jive
And then we lit candle number five

It's time for the 6th only to more to go!
How fast did this season flow
Our relatives leave, it gives me a twitch
But for now let's light candle six

The party is here for this joyous night
Not a morsle was left, not even a bite
We celebrated the Macabees who faught and went to heven
And then we lit candle seven

Oy vey! It's the final night!
I'll take my leave, if that's alright
I have some family to send on their way
A good holiday, yes a good day.

So at the end of this holiday season
I don't ever see a reason
Why Hannukah has been left off the news
Do we not matter? Why not the Jews?

Not an object was stirring not even a mouse
When a great hannukiah lit up the house
Though its candles were big, it had gentle light
It spelled out "To all a good New Year, to all a good night!"

Wow, this is the first time I have semi-ranted in poem form...

6,800 posts

Theme: A Christmas Carol (as in Charles Dickons)

Anyone seen the Black Adder version? Hilarious.

I never do well with Holiday poems. Most likely another 10 days of no show from me. :/
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Anyone seen the Black Adder version? Hilarious.

Blackadder is one hell of a funny British show!
676 posts

Christmas time is coming
Advertisements all around
In class, Religious kids not making a single sound
This is the Jews time to be bad
Their time to misbehave
And all the other kids
Wanting to be Santa's fav.
Having too be good
All of the time
Because saying almost anything
Is a complete crime
Praying not to be on the "Naughty" list
Having nightmares about Santa
Raising his fist
Doing all the "good" makes you want to run away
Is santa making you his prey?
But the presents are worth it right?
Not if you stay up all night

I know it's not that good. Don't need to tell me that.

3,437 posts

Did anyone aside from jeol read the freaking theme of my post? The theme is A Christmas Carol, as in based around the novel/movie/whatever media form you've seen it represented it. You know...Scrooge!

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Wolf, if you can't judge this time, I don't mind judging I did judge two or three times in the past if my memory serves me correctly. I'll still enter though.

3,437 posts

Wolf, if you can't judge this time, I don't mind judging I did judge two or three times in the past if my memory serves me correctly. I'll still enter though.

Okay. I'll accept that. It would help because this week is when all my exams start. Just make sure people stick to the theme. So far on jeol has an entry that qualifies.
1,627 posts

The theme is A Christmas Carol, as in based around the novel/movie/whatever media form you've seen it represented it. You know...Scrooge!

Mr. I'm-Biased-Against-Other-Holidays

I simply meant your own representation of the Christmas themes and holiday, as in a christmas song like carolers. Thus said, I declare my poem to still be valid, as you were not clear in the theme what you meant.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So must reference Dickens? Could I have clarification on the theme?

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