ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
3,937 posts

I don't think he'll judge in another few days... *sigh*.

262 posts

OK everyone who has been patiently waiting for judging. I got the OK from Carlie today to judge this "weeks" poetry contest. However, I am soon leaving for work, will come home very late, get a few hours of sleep, and then back to work tomorrow for a double. Therefore, I will not be able to judge until this Saturday. I wrote a note to Parsat (our current judge) to let him know that he should judge if he logs on before Saturday. If he doesn't however, I will judge sometime on Saturday, so please be patient.
Thanks so much!

13,344 posts

Well I'm glad that I now know at least when the judging will take place.

1,044 posts

This is the longest week theme ever. Change the name to monthly? :P

262 posts

OK People, before I start the judging I would like to let everyone know that Parsat will not be judging anymore. He apologizes for his tardiness in judging but is quite busy with his personal and professional life. With that being said, we are looking for a NEW JUDGE. If you feel you are qualified, please message me and Parsat. In turn, we will contact the appropriate people and hopefully we will have a new judge soon. Personally, I can not take judging on again because I am entirely too busy working these days. With that being said ... here goes the judging!

A huge THANKS to EVERYONE that participated in this "weeks" contest, and if your name wasn't mentioned this week, and you would like a comment on why, please message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible (please be aware that I am currently quite busy and it might take a few days to get back with an answer).

A round of applause to all this weeks participants as I truly had a hard time placing any poem since the majority of these poems were quite good.

The WINNER this "week" is . . .


The Man in the Sky

For ages on end, I've looked up at night
To spy what the eye could spy,
And how lovely it is to imagine the sight
Just to visit the man in the sky.

As the truth be revealed, this man is not small;
He is actually bigger than I,
But alas, the illusion is actually nothing at all;
He is quite a large man in the sky.

He sleeps in the daylight and wakes in the eve
As in light he can't open his eye,
How I want to reach up with my hand and retrieve
The little round man in the sky.

But his distance is great and the trip would take years
And I know I will probably die,
Though a great evil thing, it's not death that I fear;
It's neglecting the man in the sky.

While whipping white whispering winds flow west
I dream only that I can fly,
If the wind carried me I would try all my best
To shake hands with the man in the sky.

An impossible state of unhappiness starts
And as time isn't far going by,
'Cause I know that my days left are just numbered charts
Though is not true with he in the sky.

A silvery, glisteny man, oh he be!
And this quite far from a lie!
Though it isn't quite clear why the man watches me
Like a man who's afraid of the sky.

Oh I wish I could jump up and grab that old man,
Just to show him around the dry
Earth that is, there is no way I possibly can;
I'm a ground man and he's in the sky.

The road to unhappiness isn't too steep
And I know that I'll probably cry,
'Cause I know I will never be able to meet
With the little round man in the sky.

~ Although many poems this week took the approach of "the man on the moon", I liked yours the best because you &quotlayed" with the "man" in many facets. The flow and the rhyme of the poem was quite appealing also. In addition, I really felt as if you wanted to meet the "man on the moon". Very well done!

Second Place goes to ...


Delicate orb above the world, asunder,
Its dim vestige visible on the dew-damp grass,
Harbinger and gaurdian of the night.

Half light high above,
It shines, yet fails to illuminate,
Necrotic reflections of its brother.

Thin slip of silver,
Shallow cut in night's vastness,
Fixed to heal and open anew.

~ Simple and complex. Writing a a short poem with this much directness and creativity in such poem is quite a hard feat. In addition, you revealed a whole life-cycle within a few short sentences. Nicely done.

Third place goes to . . .


The beautiful moon
Our mother, our friend
Like a stormy monsoon
But this one won't end

As it gleams within the sky
Controlling our fate
A sin in our eyes
Bring us love, not hate

The seasons, the tides
The moon watches our
Puny, pitiful lives
Walking close, seeing far

But still we stand alone
The moon guards our flesh, our bone
But our blood still spills
And it's a bitter clash of wills

Why must it leave us all
Just to die, just to fall
The moon's silvery grace
Upon our unworthy face

And we can never stop asking why
Why must we cry
Why must we die
The moon is our mother
There is never another
So why does she leave us
To rot alone, in the dust

A beautiful, silvery gleam
Within the sky
Our mother, that is
But it's naught but a dream
Within the stars, with a sigh
So what is this?
The moon

Our friend
Our rival
Or our end

Ends too soon
The guardian moon
Seeing us
Leaving us
Killing us

~ I liked your assertion that the moon is our guardian and our foe. Nice play on the "two sides" of the moon. Well done.

Fourth Place goes to . . .


Two Sided Moon

A two faced sphere slips through the sky;
Never showing its far side.

In one face a man is seen;
Smiling, frowning, kind, or mean.

The rhythmic force that pulls the tide;
Comes from this sphere of the night.

Sending the oceans high and low;
Not caring where the waters go.

For this sphere acts with great defiance;
Never staying in alliance.

~ Simple and eloquent. I liked the rhyme and rhythm of this poem also. Nice!

Fifth place goes to . . .


When day fades to night,
Blanketing the world in sheets of grey,
The Moon's silver light,
Seems to rub the sins of man away.

~ Sometimes the most simplistic and direct poems are the most beautiful. This is one of those poems. Well written.

Now, for this weeks theme ... this weeks theme is "Fragility" . The deadline will be Monday, September 2nd.
Good Luck to all of you and Happy poem writing!

262 posts

Oops ... Ernie15, you need to contact Carlie in order to receive your merit, please include a link to page 162 on this thread when you message her. Thanks and Congrats!

262 posts

OMGosh! The deadline is Monday, November 2nd ... LOL, my bad.

3,937 posts

OK. I'll try to improvise, since you backstabbed me with that theme.

8,570 posts

~ I liked your assertion that the moon is our guardian and our foe. Nice play on the "two sides" of the moon. Well done.

Thank you. Third place...isn't that what I got last time? Shucks. No, wait, no, third place is better than what I got last time, just slightly. Funny,because I definitely thought my Numbness poem was better than my Moon one. Oh well.

One choice can break it
One chance to make it
Look around, open your eyes
We think we are strong
Or at least, everyone tries
The facade won't last long

One person tips the scale
It could save us all
Or doom us to fail
Our sensitivity, fragility
Give us the ability
To break and to build
But which will occur
As we wait in the hills

And run for our homes
Go faster!
Just to find we're all alone
To be born again
Just to fall in sin
Just to weaken again
Just to live in the end

Building again
All our work blows away
Once again in the wind
Not tomorrow, not today
But maybe we can move forward
Instead of just back
Of our own accord
To find what we lack

Breaking down
Falling down
Fragile as ice
Back to the ground
It's all so precise
Anything can make it fall
But nothing can return it to tall

Crying again
Dying again
Or at least, inside
So you think you're my friend
Then why have you lied
Anything can break me down
But at least I don't break others
Just because I'm broken now

Not very good. I made it in about five seconds, so what did you expect?
P.S.- THANK YOU! We've been waiting for judging for an insanely long time now!
3,937 posts

It's pretty good one Moat. I don't even stand a chance. as I said before:

I'll try to improvise, since you backstabbed me with that theme.
4,536 posts

Ah, crap. I forgot to enter. T_T

I'll do it this time! Somebody remind me to.

262 posts

Thank you. Third place...isn't that what I got last time? Shucks. No, wait, no, third place is better than what I got last time, just slightly. Funny,because I definitely thought my Numbness poem was better than my Moon one. Oh well.

It may have been better in my eyes also ... however, I wasn't the judge for that one ... different opinions, different judges.

<yelling for someone to please judge this contest>
13,344 posts

Yay I won!

Am I allowed to win next round too?

2,917 posts

Careful now

moving slower than ever
I would'nt hurt you, never
gentle strokes
I realize I'm not a real gentle folk

soft skin
you've committed no sin
my eyes shut, so do yours
I've struck all the right chords

I must depart
stay alart
as I would never want to lose you

262 posts

Am I allowed to win next round too?

Sorry, rules state that a person can not place first 2 weeks in a row.
However, it doesn't rule out you placing in the next round.
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