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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3764322
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
1,420 posts

I Choose Heads

My heart beats
As the coin spins
Through the air
Time slows as if a nightmare.

A bead of sweat
Runs down my forehead.
My legs feel like
Giant lumps of lead.

As I stand
Every muscle tense
I realize
I have no confidence

Thinking of
The enemy
Gloating if
Win should he.

Hopelessness engulfs me.

My hands are limp
My neck is bowed.
I gaze, downcast
Covered by a cloud.

I calmly wait
As the coin drops
It rolls around
On the razen ground.

Then suddenly
Excitement courses through me.
I simply know
I have beaten this foe.

The coin falls
To one side.
Lincoln's head.
I could have cried.

164 posts

A Race With Luck

I was walking down the sidewalk
Every crack I carefully stepped over
Something quickly caught my gaze
It was a delicate four leaf clover

Bearing a wide grin on my face
I said, "This is my lucky day!"
But before I could grab this fortunate find
A breeze came and whisked it away

Whizzing toward the clover
I could easily win this race
Some kid chooses this exact moment
To throw a basketball in my face

I think it's trying to teach me
An anger management lesson
'Cause sure enough I was freaking out
As it crossed a busy intersection

With a screech, a splash, a car, and a puddle
I got soaked in thick brown mud
It was already starting to run down my legs
Causing my shoes to flood

In the eerie darkness
Of the freezing, endless night
I managed to run head first into
A brightly glowing street light

And as I start to cry
My tears turn into frost
"I give up!" I loudly yell
This battle I have lost

Admitting my defeat
I suddenly feel calm
I very slowly closed my eyes
And felt the clover in my palm

So I thought strictly to myself
My life must really suck
If I would really endure all that
For one tiny bit of luck

I closed my hand around the clover
Then held it to my heart
But when I opened up my grip
The wind ripped it apart

8,570 posts

4 leaf clover is a common luck charm. I thought someone would bring it up. You could say I copied you, but that was one line. Are poems are nothing alike. I had a stump and that was the only thing I had to say. I couldn't say anything else. I was stuck and that's all I could think of. A common luck charm ins a four leaf clover. You will probably say that in almost every poem. Honestly I was stuck and I could only put "I need a four leaf clover" I know it's the same opening line, but it's the only thing I could think of. I didn't even read Kacboy's poem. Why do you have to bring this up. One line isn't what matters, it's the meaning of the poem. It's also the poem itself. Honestly I didn't copy. I'm sorry, report mine to a mod if you think my poem is a threat and you need to have it withdrawn. If you do that I know that you think it's amazing. Sorry for the repeat in topic in my defensive writing.

*winces at grammar*.
Now that I'm done with that, as in debates, I will break it down(sentence by sentence).
-I know a four leaf clover is a common luck charm.
-Duh, of course someone would bring it up.
-One line that's the same, word for word.
-The rest of them, yes, are nothing alike. Only the first line.
-Uh huh, you had a stump. That's alright, it's just that this is a heck of a coincidence.
-Somebody is repeating himself. You already said four leaf clovers are common. already said that, you don't need to reiterate it. I got it the first time.
-Again, you repeated yourself. Am I rereading the same thing over and over, or is this an extreme case of deja vu?
-Wait, isn't that a repeat of the whole "I was stuck" thing?
-Meh, that's a 50/50 type of chance. I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the whole "I didn't read his poem" thing.
-Because, it is possibly plagiarism, and it needs to be covered. That's why it's being brought up. It doesn't matter if you're guilty or not, or if it's only one line, it should be looked at now that it's been spotted.
-Yes, one line does matter. The meaning of the poem is important too, but everything matters.
-One line is part of the poem itself, if you hadn't noticed.
-*scratches head* Yeah...I got that part of your argument, thank you. Unless you were arguing that you did steal..0.o
-Apology accepted.
-Umm..."a threat"? It's just a poem. The moderators(Carlie in particular, well, I guess she's an admin) are probably going to see this whether I report it or not.
-How would me reporting this to a mod or disqualifying it signify that I think it's amazing?
-Repeats are repetitive.
Now that I'm done, I do find it a bit odd how quickly and vehemently you jumped to your own defense when it would've been much easier to simply change the line.

Here's my verdict: change the line, or the poem won't be admissible. It's not that difficult to use something else, just as long as it's not word for word, it's alright. If it happens again, that might be a different story.
818 posts

The luck you see is what you get.
While the luck that's here is stupid shit.
I look at moat and see him there.
Wondering why he hates me, even my hair.

Moat what's wrong, I can't see?
Is it me or that 1 itching flea?
Do I make you mad?
Well guess what, i'm soo sad.

This poem is to tell you I want to be friends.
We can walk and hold our hands.
Keyboards by our sides.
We can go to cyberspace to take a ride.

I only have joy inside me.
I wish you could only see.
Maybe this will give you joy.
Like a little boy with a new toy.


8,570 posts

Adios, you has confuzzled me. How is that about luck, and what made you think I hate you?

3,137 posts

luck, or lack of it

a four leef clover in a book
a horse shoe hanging, take a look
a penny thats head is facing upward
you call it luck but i think its absurd

a straight flush, four of a kind
hard to get hard to find
in poker this is nearly unheard
you call it luck but i think its absurd

only one winning number
you go and get it while others slumber
scratch away and see the winning word
you call it luck but i think its absurd

a dollar bill on the floor
who's it was i feel sorry for
so much luck my vision is blurred
maybe its not absurd

2,180 posts

The Jade Sphere
To My Grandfather

when I was but a boy of seven
and crossed the sea for the very first time
into the land that birthed my blood,
we arrived.
stale urine,
stale tobacco,
stale sweat
mingled together into a charming scent
and I knew I was home.
my grandfather took me in
past a stack of coal bricks
molded into an auspicious shape--
the pattern of a lotus root--
and pulled a battered glass
with sweet fizzy coke for me to drink,
a luxury from his retirement money for
his only heir,
pride of his blood;
all the hope in the world rested
on those seven-year-old shoulders.
from his cabinet
of peeling redwood he
withdrew a sphere of green fire,
of ancient craft,
and placed it in my eager palms
filling the furrows with its strange,
unearthly light.
"From this jade," said he, "you will have luck
and grow strong, just like a man of the Li family."

A man descended
from emperors
and poets
and men whose luck
Had come and gone away.

818 posts

Adios, you has confuzzled me. How is that about luck, and what made you think I hate you?

Its about luck because the first part says luck, and it will be luck if we can be friends. The reason that I think you hate me is because me and you haven't gotten along in the past. "Language Section"
156 posts

My luck is bad
Its impossible for me to win
The chances are sad
For me to fix this sin

All the clovers in the world
Cant fix my luck
Even if I twirled
A very lucky duck

The chances are slim
For me to make a show
Because ill need a good trim
But the barbers know

If they try to cut it
My luck will make it suck
Even if the person is full of wit
They know they will be stuck

My luck is very bad
As you can see
My luck makes me mad
Because I always have to go pee!


i bet my sucky luck isnt going to let me win or mabey its because my poem sucks

909 posts

Luck is such a shallow thing;
It's gift is only given once.
It is but a hollow dream for no other;
Just the one who thinks they need,
Something, someone, now! Please.

It has no name, no phone or address but;
We crave it's attention, none the less than,
If it were a human being, a friend, a hug, a kiss.
All of these are wants worth having but, luck;
Is fickle, undependable and most often, too late.

No. I think I will stay content with what I have,
Then waste my time wishing, and,
Waiting for a tiny thing that may pass me by;
For someone else, some place else who,
Might have greater needs than me. Needs?
No, I have only wants.

Wants are the things luck's good for;
Needs are for something greater to fill,
Needs need charity, kindness, human compassion.
Luck is for job hunting, dancing, a date and;
When you pass the test and land the job,
Luck ceases to be as important as it was.

On the first date, on the dance floor, dancing;
For the first time, spinning, laughing,
It's just the two of you and where is luck?
It's off, gone far away, to someone else,
Some place else who, may have greater needs than me.

2,180 posts

What I is need a four leaf clover

That line is not grammatically correct...I assume you changed it to "What I need is a four leaf clover."
3,137 posts

That line is not grammatically correct...I assume you changed it to "What I need is a four leaf clover."

way to be a grammar NAZI
| |_

attempted swastika
4,220 posts

Lady Luck

The lady herself has cast me up,
Drinking from a poor mans cup.
I'm lost dreaming of richer times,
Living off of forsaken dimes.

The Lady of Luck, she's lost to me.
Nothing I get is blessed by life,
Nothing I get is blessed by Luck.

Feeling her presence, wherever I go,
I dreamed it away, only to come back in woe.
Masterfully drinking the poison I sing,
Bad luck, of which I am the King.

Lady Luck has come again,
Drown out my fortune, time is her reign.
I wish it would just go away.

Living on, in misfortune I fail,
Forever on, I must sail.
Laughing at my trouble, forever there,
Laughing as I live despair.

Hah! We'll see how it works.
I always win, with or without.
Luck can't stop me, no.

I'll see how I live, free of Her grasp.
I win, finally, live without Her.

My bad attempt at songwriting, lol. Just came to me.

4,013 posts

I don't think it was bad. Just pepeat of certain lyrics would of made it a better song not poem.

164 posts

You are very observant, beastahayes
But you're still right.
I never noticed that.

Showing 1921-1935 of 3868