ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
1,558 posts

I need to lay off the sugar.

Just a bit...

After stalking poetry on here you may see me later...
304 posts

To young to dream of love.

We were children in those days
And to young to play,
Some would say,
The game of love, Hate,
And of course, heart break.

It was a crazy dream
So it would seem,
But I couldnât help but believe
We would find a way
To make it last everyday

But as summer leaves
Our heart grieves
Knowing we must move on
And soon all this will be gone.

I hate to admit it
But for your benefit,
Maybe we were too young
To dream of love.

...Quick attempt at this topic, haven't done it in a while, hope it fits the theme well enough.

1,813 posts

The window shines its morning light
On bristle bones gnawed by time
The old man could not help but sleep
In the livingroom's wheelchair

In his soul are laid the traces
Of outspoken dreams, these breaths of youth
Wishes to grow before the time
Crossed fingers on some inches gained

The clawed body wakes in awe
With but enough force to fake a smile
Time is the best reminder
Of dreams already accomplished

He sits there from dawn to dusk
Not taking his pills today
He won't wake up tomorrow
To find his reached dreams again

Why didn't I enjoy the time
Where I could still hope ahead?
He thinks as he fades into nothing
As a young man's futile dream

Very quick submission; ten minutes to the most. Might work on something else if I'm too bored.

4,220 posts

The time forgotten, I lay my sword,
Forged in the closet of the liar's word;
Slaying the tongue of the tempest soul,
Abandoned, iced by wool.

It took too many years, I've realized,
To my surprise, I must have died
By the word of God,
Surmised by hate, I'm a fraud.

I've finally reach an all time high,
Even if, to get here, I must have lied;
I understand that some words must be said,
If I didn't speak, I would be dead.

Penetrate the enemy of my lord,
To die right here for his hoard;
I'm a soldier of my heart,
The bitter end tastes so tart.

The day has come, forever wait,
Incarcerated hate;
I'll take them down, 'til I'm dead,
With my heart of lead.

They asked me once, straight and blank,
Would I die for land
To the man, of higher rank,
"You must be mad."

Five years on, he came around,
We met again;
The question struck, as was bound,
"I'd never die, for the hound,
I'd kill for men."


Young boys often see, at least in my experience, a wanting of fighting for their country. In my circle of friends in elementary school, we would often dream of going into the Army or Marines. It's a dream still alive in me, perhaps it will be fulfilled. Just some background on the poem.

1,558 posts

That light, the fire
The hope-giving-out dire
Extinguished, crushed
Good bye mother, father

I must live out
Grow from my naive pout
They all have strong doubt
Emerge from my c'hood help without

Gonna make it big
Find the great, must dig
For it I use the drill rig
Under this cold ground I'll find the great

They say I'll never do it
They say I'll fail it
They say I'll lose at it
I know it. It'll help me get it

Basically it's talking about people doubting you throughout your childhood.

26,390 posts

A child lies sleeping in bed
His eyes twitch-twitch under their lids
His fingers twitch-twitch round his head
Full of dreams and ambitions hid
So cleverly within

He dreams up a dream of college
Then just as quickly forgets it
He trades wealthiness for knowledge
Dreams of billions on which he sits
The possibilities!

Dreams of fame, actor or rock star
Dreams of doctor or architect
Dreams, oh dreams! Carry you so far
To drop you from the highest set
They cannot carry you

Imagining the paths to take
So many different choices
The roads to build, money to make
While listening to the voices

Ah! Suddenly, the boy awakes
He tries to stand but he cannot
Twitching turns to convulsing shakes
In this deadly trap he is caught
That hid so cleverly within
As he falls so hopelessly
All of the possibilities
Begin crashing down to the true
Falling, they cannot carry you

And everything becomes clear
This is no boy, this is a man
A man asleep and dreaming here
This is no man, but an old man
Old man asleep and dreaming here

Dreaming of childhood dreams
While listening to the voices
They said he could be anything
They said there were endless choices
But they've forgotten many things
Dreaming of childhood dreams
They forgot what dreaming will bring
When all that you do is to dream
Dreaming is only half the fight
The one you win by dreaming
The rest you win throughout your life
By being those dreams, not seeming

Old man, asleep and dreaming here
Wakes up to find his dreams all gone
As he wakes up, he falls asleep
A sleep so endless, dark, and deep
That he may never wake again
And he was dreaming, in the end.

3,386 posts

Dreams of what I could've had
Dreams of what I could've been.
Dreams of staying so careless
Still remain within.

We were asked the first time.
You heard Princesses and Astronaunts.
Things that were not
Tainted by real thoughts.

Then again a few years later.
Like being a Doctor and saving lives,
Or a Cop,
Putting away all the bad guys.
Still simple, still free.
No one thought about how hard it would be.

I'll continue this at a later date.

29 posts

Hope in my Hands
A latern was lit
For every child ever born
Up to them to decide where to take it
Invisible to everyone
But the young and the hopeful
Knowing enough to have a dream
Every child reaches out
Hands streched towards the sky
Hoping, praying, for inspiration, for light
A little girl, there
She fell asleep crying
But still, she wished on a star
She said, "God, please, please, if tonight is my last
My dream is that you take my soul."
And that boy, over there
He's afraid to dream
Afraid that he will be mocked
But every night
Locked in the dark
He says, "I wish I could fly
Becauser then I would be free."
Every child has a lantern, lit from birth
And few actually see it
But those who do
Catch the light in little hands
And carry hope in there hands.
Free-verse, pretty quickly written. Enjoy

157 posts

Autumn, season of despair

As I lay with comfort,
on a feather filled matress,
sleep grabs me unawares.
I slowly greet repose.

Morpheus! Do me a little more!
How I like it's sweet-sour savor!
Lead to me the son of Nyx,
bringer of sweet-tempered memories.

When I was a boy pure of heart,
mother asked me with earnest voice:
will you later be straight and true?
Yes, mother! I will. Six winters I saw.

Morpheus! Do me a little more!
How I like it's sweet-sour savor!
Lead to me the son of Nyx,
bringer of sweet-tempered memories.

I played with brother all day long,
sometimes he asked me with cute eyes:
will you be my brother for eternity?
Yes, brother! I will. Six springs I saw.

Morpheus! Do me a little more!
How I like it's sweet-sour savor!
Lead to me the son of Nyx,
bringer of sweet-tempered memories.

I played with legos from dawn to dusk.
Father came to me, and asked with deep voice:
What will you become? An engineer?
Yes, yes! I will. Six summers I saw.

Morpheus! Do me a little more!
How I like it's sweet-sour savor!
Lead to me the son of Nyx,
bringer of sweet-tempered memories.

When I was an engineer, smart and rich,
As I strolled along my buildings,
I thought: will there be any more than this?
No, no! I presume. Eighty-seven autumns I saw.

Morpheus! Stop it, stop it!
How I dislike the bitterness of the now!
Keep away the son of Nyx,
reminder of pains I now endure!

Childhood, three seasons of life,
Winter, spring and summer!
Childhood is such a short season,
and all the rest is fall.

1,813 posts

And we have a winner!
Magnificent poem, I ought to dedicate myself a little more but judging the Haiku contest has made me far too busy.

Though, I don't think I could compete with the above submission.

1,936 posts

Holy crapola. This is probably going to be the fiercest competition I've ever entered. I probably shouldn't have made a seperate post just to say this, but most of these poems are really good, and I just had to say it. XD
My poem is still in the editing phase. :P

2,917 posts

I take my rocket ship into the final frontier
Now I'm a shepard, getting my sheep ready to shear
I shave all the wool, and make a sheet
In conscious my imagination flows on repeat

Now I'm the new sheriff in town
I tip my oiled hat to a lady in a gown
My opponent stands across from me in the forlorn land
a tumbleweed scoots across the sand
i squint across, eying that cowpoke
I'm about to show him my accuracy is no joke
In one fluid movement, i fire 1 slug
he drops like a sack o stones, no grave needs to be dug
The smell of gunpowder lingers in the air
I'm the town hero, no need to care

I dive as the grenades detonate
Never mind the enemy, I'm top-rate
My covert operation is compromised
But I'm taking a lot more fire than I realized
Wilfire 2-1, expedite mission, how copy?
I may be outnumbered, but their skills are sloppy
These heartless commies got nothing on the USA
It's the noble patriots that will have the day
My gun is blazing into the night
But I have one trump card that will win this fight
I sprint towards the window
Then I detonate my c4, punishing my foe
I fly into the night, out of the glass
I see the water below me, one dark mass
I splash into the deep
I see the inferno, but I don't hear a peep
Another proud day for the country of liberty and grace
But now I need to swim back to base

As the child's mind ebbs and flows
with each dream, imagination grows
The child begins to snore
But I know what they are thinking is no bore


Eh. WEll see.

6,800 posts

If I wrote a poem, it'd be some sob story that no one'd want to read...

Honestly, I just can't think of anything...

157 posts

Honestly, I just can't think of anything...

I pondered not to enter one moment too.

When I saw your name, under the "just posted" I thought: here comes the cavalry...
1,936 posts

I'm not cavalry? *Cries*
Experimenting with poem form. Woot.


I used to live a land of smiles
A joyful isolated isle

I stayed in my crystal globe
Pressed my face against the glass
Decided that my world was
Everything worth knowing
I built my kingdom
Of oceans and mountains
Dragons vanquished,
And demons conquered
I created my own winding paths
Or so I thought.

"The skyâs the limit" They all told me,
Just live your life as long as you're free

My globe had a painted sky
And that illusion was enough for me
I dreamt my dreams
I thought the sky was
All but unreachable
But under my growing weight
The crystal bent
And it cracked.
I wanted to save my world.
I couldn't.

I fell and fell back down to earth,
I dropped, stranded, to the cold hard dirt.

The shards of glass rained
In them I could see myself
All my shallow dreams
That blew away in the wind.
The shattered pieces
Of my imaginary world
Even now they fall
They cut and rip
I can't move from here.
I'm stranded from my past.

I often wish for my younger days
When all I did was dream and play

I catch myself yearning
For my painted blue walls
When the world was mine
When my paths were crystal clear.
All around is a rusty plain.
My future is too far away to see,
Lost on the horizon,
Maybe someday I'll finally stand up
And find what lies beyond
There's no need for dreaming here.

Iâll journey to the edge to find my way
Though my glassy scars are forever to stay

Showing 2881-2895 of 3868