ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
2,180 posts


My flesh and blood lies past the sea,
But all our hopes lie here on me.
I am the heir to ancient name:
The only known, as genealogies went up in flame.
Who knows where else my plum-blood dwells?
It's past my ken, only luck can tell.
And still I look past aspects of my birth
To my life here upon this earth:
Child of God, imperial flesh,
Lover of wit and words enmeshed--
Perhaps I cannot seek to understand
My truth, my life, my mortal plans...

And so I savor who I am.


AN: The Plum-Blood refers to my surname, which means &quotlum" in Chinese. It was once the surname of a mighty dynasty.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

AN: The Plum-Blood refers to my surname, which means &quotlum" in Chinese. It was once the surname of a mighty dynasty.

Haha, Li? Your surname is Li? Wait...there was no Li Dynasty...

My surname is Zhang in Chinese. Though in English I use Chiang.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Hang on Wistress! Errors in my poem!

I don't know me and I may never will,
The curtains fall and all is still.
I'm just another person in the crowd,
And my name none can say out loud.

Oh and Parsat...mei is plum too right? As in suan mei.
2,180 posts

Nichodemus: Actually, the name of each dynasty is distinct from the actual surname of the family. In this case, the Tang Dynasty was actually started by a man whose birth name was Li Yuan, but whose imperial name was Tang Gaozu.

Now when it comes to plums, both of them do mean plum, but from what I usually hear, "li" typically refers to the fresh fruit, while "mei" is a more common word that can refer to the flower, fresh fruit, or dried fruit. Not a hundred percent sure if that's right, but that's my thoughts on the usage. No one has a surname of this "mei" though.

Zhang...I assume it's the "gong chang" Zhang variety (broken down by radicals) rather than the "li zao" type?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Zhang...I assume it's the "gong chang" Zhang variety (broken down by radicals) rather than the "li zao" type?

Yeah. I have a bow in my name! Didn't really go and find out the surname other than the dynasty name as those are more important.

Suan Mei is liked sour plums, preserved ones. Heard of the story of Cao Cao and his thirsty army?

Actually li can mean pear too...
2,180 posts

What's really funny about the Li family is that the progenitor of the name had a genetic anomaly where his little fifth toe was not straight like his other toes, and the nail on that toe had two sections, with one side seeming to overlap the other. I dismissed this as mere legend until I took a good look at my toes. Apparently I really am descended from this guy.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Lawl...and I supposed I descended from Zhang Fei if I have his eyebrows?

2,180 posts

That would mean that we're related.

6,800 posts

Alone in a Crowd
By: Mav

Im lost in a crowd
To be found its not allowed,
Yet people run around...

Like I'm in a daze
I cant break out of this haze
In some demented maze

Can, someone find me
Can anyone hear my plea?
Oh, why cant you see

I'm lost in this crowd
Not heard, even if I'm loud
'Cuz I'm alone in a crowd...

Shadows hide their face
None can see my case,
They make me feel abased

Mouthless voices speak to me
Blathering on about my plea
And that no one can see!

I'm lost in this crowd
Speaking out; Its not allowed...
I'm alone in this crowd...

Yet theres light to every darkness...
And even I confess
That I was possessed...

Somebody heard me
Rescue to my ple
And they came to me

It was like looking into a well...
Hearing the sweet gong of a bell,
It was all clear to me....

A mirror...

I'm found in this crowd
I am so very proud
I found myself...

In a crowd

6,800 posts

Somebody heard me
Rescue to my plea
And they came to me

Neat freak me...

Srry 'bout the double post
2,492 posts

Where am I?
I can't seem to find out.
Dingy, dark, dirty, grungy,
No comforting hope of home.
The giant grab of God,
Grappling me, and putting me here.

Secluded alone, dark corner.
Walls tainted with blood,
Red fills my eyes, makes me scream!
I can't see? My eyes are?

Mmm... potato. Wake up! A
burlap sack is clinging to my face.
I can't move. Paralyzed by my own fear.
Wait! My hands are free as a criminal on parole!
Reach into my jacket. Feeling the frigid touch of metal.

Loaded? Good. Now shoot!
Crack! Uugnhhh... a man groaned and I heard a
sound like a sack of potatoes hitting the ground.
Rip of this burlap-ish blindfold.
I see red again! What have I done?

Slipping on the red and yellow blood covered linoleum.
I run? What else would I do? I hear sirens!
I ditch my shoes, and walk into McDonald's. Egg McMuffin

What have I done?

I can't bear to ask myself...
Who am I? And what am I doing?

Well... I wrote that quite randomly. LOL as you can tell by the potatoes, parole, and Egg McMuffin.

422 posts

An Ode To Me:

If I were an album I'd be solid gold;
If I were an burger I'd be billions sold;
If I were an movie I'd be 2 thumbs up;
If I were an sports team I'd win the world cup;
If I were an novel I'd be best seller;
If I were a planet I'd be voted most stellar;
If I were a paper I'd be most quoted;
If I were a song I'd be most downloaded;
If I were a fat kid I'd be most bloated;
If I were a network I'd be number one;
If I were a comedian I'd never tell a bad pun;
I am the best- now this poem is done!

Written by Qwerty001

There we go...

262 posts

To all,

I am sad to say, I am stepping down from judging the poetry contest for 2 reasons, One, I am currently experiencing some health problems and I don't see and end to these in the near future, 2nd, I am honestly tired of people asking me immature and "un-called for" questions like, "who put you in charge?" and other such things. I am sorry, but I don't have the time for this frivolous BS from young peeps who obviously have nothing better to do but pick on whom they consider "newbies". Does no one read anyones BIOS around here? I am way more qualified then most to judge that poetry contest. That being said, I am stepping down immediately, I am sorry, but I am in so much pain today and considering that tomorrow is judging day, I don't see me feeling better then either. I have already forwarded this message to the appropriate people.
I will still post poetry every once in a while.
Good luck to all of you!

2,492 posts

Wow wistress... sorry to hear that. I really hope you get better soon (if not eventually!) You were an awesome judge

Thanks so much, I don't know why people were saying you weren't qualified... (you're much more qualified than most people here, lol). See you around then.

2,399 posts

That sucks, sad to hear it. You were a good judge too, sorry that I was one to question your judging.

So um.. who's gonna judge?

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